Friday, June 25, 2004
I Broke AIM!
well here ya go. It's long but it's funny too so stick with it:
yensil314: hiyee
Sulin Donodel: moo
Sulin Donodel: alsdkjlghaknciadngad
yensil314: yeess...
yensil314: ic
Sulin Donodel: kljasd
yensil314: wtfm
yensil314: dklfjerj
yensil314: vnjkldfnv opnjlsdn
yensil314: ssdfhvjodhfjkpszcvh'
yensil314: fsdgyvuio;ashf;hj
yensil314: sdfhvfh
yensil314: dgvji ncd
yensil314: ;dhjiofnhjkldhsajkfh
yensil314: sdfhdhoaurohhjsd'
yensil314: afusdhfsdJUrhjiejklfnhd
Sulin Donodel: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
yensil314: tee hee, i'm too fast, oops
Sulin Donodel: heh
yensil314: lmao
Sulin Donodel: you broke aim didn't you?
yensil314: i break everything, go figure
Sulin Donodel: heh
yensil314: look it what i sent justin
yensil314: lololololololololololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololololololo...
yensil314: he's not answering so i think maybe i broke him too
Sulin Donodel: lol
yensil314: And
yensil314: I
yensil314: Jumps
Sulin Donodel: i think i broke him too
yensil314: i think he's rather fragile
yensil314: maybe we should be more carfual
yensil314: *careful
yensil314: but first we must fix him
Sulin Donodel: why?
yensil314: hmm...
yensil314: because we broke him
Sulin Donodel: so?
yensil314: and we can make some improvements too
Sulin Donodel: but i don't want to make him better faster stronger
yensil314: that's not what i had in mind
Sulin Donodel: oh
Sulin Donodel: thats kinky
yensil314: get cho brain out da trash
yensil314: that'
yensil314: s
yensil314: not what i meant either
Sulin Donodel: what trash?
Sulin Donodel: ooo its the gay pimp!
yensil314: hey quit i might want too post this
yensil314: thbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt
Sulin Donodel: lol
yensil314: istillthinkweshouldfixhim
Sulin Donodel: i'm not being completely perverted
Sulin Donodel: there actually is "the gay pimp" on comedy central on right now
yensil314: nyah, nyah, you can't catch me
Sulin Donodel: yes i can
yensil314: how?
Sulin Donodel: your mom
yensil314: she can't cath me (come on, really)
Sulin Donodel: yes she can
yensil314: well, then again
yensil314: ...
yensil314: uh oh
yensil314: I'm going to publishe this conversation now
Sulin Donodel: hehehe
yensil314: and then I must leave.
Sulin Donodel: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
yensil314: i have to get up early to morrow.
yensil314: I hope this fits
Sulin Donodel: aww
Bye For Now
Anyhoo, bye, I'll blog in as soon as I can, but until then you'll just have to settle for my expired funniness. HaHa I laugh at you.
Wow, I'm being really mean today, I'm also rambling, but hey WTH, for some people that's all they do on their blogs.
If I come back and find that my house has been looted, I will find you and I will kill you. Slowly. With toothpicks.
Anyway I broke Justin, sorry, but i do plan on fixing him, eventually,...
Well that's all for now. I'm going to post a funny conversation between me and sulin donodel AKA yourunmockingspoof AKA Tommu Howard...
The breaking of Justin will be explained therein.
Strong Bad
I now quote Strong Bad
Visit Strong Bad at
The Insomniac Kitty
so I came up with: Rules for Insomniac Kitties:
Rule 1. You must own at least one kitty.
Rule 2. You must be an insomniac (i.e. it is past 12:00AM local time and you aren't asleep)
Rule 3. You must have a name or nickname, no anonymous kitties.
To become an insomniac Kitty:
Step 1. Get a cat if you do not already have one, if you do, feel free to get another.
Step 2. Stay up past midnight.
Step 3. Add your name or nickname to the front of the phrase theinsomniackitty
example: yensiltheinsomniackitty
Step 4. whenever you IM someone at this late hour, Tell them that you are
(your name)theinsomniackitty
Step 5. Have fun!
Update: It has been brought to my attention that some people who really want kitties are unable to have them (apartment rules, allergy in the family, ect...). If this is the case for you, and if you have a tail (or reasonable facsimile thereof) then I would be willing to make an exception. Welcome to the ranks of theinsomniackitty.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
how'd they know?
How to make a yensiltheflyingmonkey |
Ingredients: 1 part competetiveness 3 parts silliness 1 part leadership |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add curiosity to taste! Do not overindulge! |
Personality cocktail
How'd they ever guess how too make a me? Oh, they forgot 1 part genius, but I forgive them
Go Ahead, ask it how to make a mr. Tape (make sure you use a small m)
oh, and check out my new sayings.
So there.
Come on guys i need some feed back. Post some comments. Please.
And also, please keep comments clean and avoid strong language, I would hate to offend some one (yeah right) (well at least not because of language, it's too trivial a thing to get upset about.)
Soo... I'm bored there's no one online to talk to and I'm running out of ways to procrastinate so It looks like I'll have to work.
Oh well,
All right, well I don't really have much of anything to say so I guess I'd better get to work.
Oh! by the way I've added to my sayings list so scroll down and look. I'll update that post continuosly as I come up with things to say, so check it out every once and a while.
AIM Ninja
yensil314: Greeting from the Pi man t simple simon
Sulin Donodel: wow
Sulin Donodel: you can even ninja on aim
Sulin Donodel: i didn't see you get on
Sulin Donodel: nor did i see the little message thingie that pops up when someone signs on
Sulin Donodel:'re good
Sulin Donodel: gtg
Things I Say
I Just thought I'd share a few of my favorite sayings, watch out these may count as wisdom some day
As I was walking up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish, he'd go away
Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate's life for me
Said the Pi man to Simple Simon…
Look out, Jedi Ninjas behind you!
oooooh shiny...
Tommu the Wonder Kitty
Beware the Dread Ninja Pirate.
HEY! No Ninja's in the house.
Take it outside.
Did the cat step on your keyboard,
or are you just happy to see me?
Kitsu! Back At choo!
I frekking stole it from Adam
Ooooooooh, shiiny.
Email is like a prison. A prison with no walls.
And no toilet: Strong Bad
Your Head A Splode: Strong Bad
Watch the frog.
Ya gotta have blue hair: Strong Bad
Red Bull gives you wiiings!
Boredom does terrible things to people!
"SPOON!"-The Tick
Watch for falling ninjas.
Eat, drink, and be hairy, for tomorrow we shave.
So long, and thanks for all the kitsune.
Is she cute???
more coming soon...
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Pi's and Danishes
Let me begin by expaining the title of my blog.
The Pi part is a reference to my birthday which is also national pi day (3/14) I have pi memorized to 29 digits: 3.1415926535897932383328462648...
The Danish is a reference to my name (Jens) wich is danish, I am named after my great grandad who emmigrated from Denmark in the early 1900s.
and of course pies and danishes are both food items.
So, this is my first blog. I don't really have much to say except that I hope it rains soon. I like rain and the garden could use some. (it's really my parents garden but since I help to eat it...)
at some point I'll get around to posting a list of thank yous to all my friends for making my Senior year the best year of my life. Until then adios.