Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Pi's and Danishes

Hello, this is Yensil314.
Let me begin by expaining the title of my blog.
The Pi part is a reference to my birthday which is also national pi day (3/14) I have pi memorized to 29 digits: 3.1415926535897932383328462648...
The Danish is a reference to my name (Jens) wich is danish, I am named after my great grandad who emmigrated from Denmark in the early 1900s.
and of course pies and danishes are both food items.
So, this is my first blog. I don't really have much to say except that I hope it rains soon. I like rain and the garden could use some. (it's really my parents garden but since I help to eat it...)
at some point I'll get around to posting a list of thank yous to all my friends for making my Senior year the best year of my life. Until then adios.

1 comment:

Yensil blogs again! said...

Yay for time traveling!