Friday, July 23, 2004


I'm exhilarated!
Tonight's was an awsome performance.
We had a very Interactive audience, they sat for some time in shocked silence at the end of act one and could barely wait to start clapping after act two... standing ovation, again, though it was less spontaneous.
Someone even let out a quite audible shriek when tony got shot.
It was an awesome performance, Personally I improved.
On a more sour note, my stomach is still bothering the heck out of me, it feels like it's always empty, so empty that it hurts. I usually eat something and take some tums and I'm okay for a while but it always comes back.  It's probably just a bug which I will get over in a few days.
And now for something completely different...
I got interviewed today, sort of, this will only interest those of you who are curious about my musical career, but here's a copy of the conversation:

yensil314: hi
darkestthunder2: Oh hey 8D *dad's over right now so won't talk scuttling back and forth doing stuff irl* X.x; But hi...again >_<;
yensil314: scuttling?
darkestthunder2: XDD Yes, scuttling.
yensil314: i see
darkestthunder2: I'm glad ><
darkestthunder2: Well, anywho, how are ya?
yensil314: pretty goo
yensil314: d
darkestthunder2: That's good...and how's the insomnia coming along? XDD
yensil314: Second performance of west side story tonight
darkestthunder2: Yeah, I heard on the news. Not sure if I should tune in or not, or if I can or not ><;
darkestthunder2: Gonna be busy packing
yensil314: i'm on hawaii time from my vacation, went to bed at three last night and couldn't sleep till four
yensil314: "darkestthunder2: Yeah, I heard on the news. Not sure if I should tune in or not, or if I can or not ><;" ???I meant at my school
darkestthunder2: Ouch...Yeah, I've been at my gparents visiting my cousin, so we didn't go to sleep until one most nights.
darkestthunder2: Oh! >__<;;;;
darkestthunder2: *smacks self*
darkestthunder2: I misunderstood, then.
darkestthunder2: But I did see something about this Westside story play thing...
yensil314: ???
darkestthunder2: Blech, I just know that it was on the TV on channel 3, talkin' bout it in Broadway or somethin' like that...o.o
yensil314: yeah, that's right it's playing on broadway right now, i'd forrgotten
darkestthunder2: *shakes head* I donno...o.o
yensil314: anyway, we did pretty well last night, I hope we continue to do so, 3 perfromances left
yensil314: so how are you
darkestthunder2: Ooo...what part are you?
yensil314: I'm in the orchestra
darkestthunder2: Oh, I'm fine...just this damn computer is messing up *whacks it*
yensil314: darn computers, mines been kinda slow lately
darkestthunder2: Hold up, did my other typing come through? *squints*
yensil314: what other typing
darkestthunder2: GAH! They're not showing up! >< Damn it...
yensil314: ?
yensil314: try sending it again
darkestthunder2: >< Damn...might just hafta get on Gaia so we can talk...AIM's being a bitch...*grumble*
darkestthunder2: ((and yes, I've tried scrolling down))
yensil314: I've gotten most of them i think
darkestthunder2: AH-HAH!
darkestthunder2: There we go ^_^
darkestthunder2: And REALLY?!
darkestthunder2: You're in the orchestra?!
darkestthunder2: That's so cool ^_^
darkestthunder2: You play the trombone, right?
yensil314: yup
yensil314: to all
darkestthunder2: lol
darkestthunder2: Heh...we're moving (have I told you a million times yet? ><; ), and I donno if the new school'll have a bassoon that I can I'm worried o.o
yensil314: they probably will
darkestthunder2: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The school site said that they had enough funding for everyone, and someone who used to work there said the or whatever are really good
yensil314: but if you're serious you should think about getting you're own
darkestthunder2: Yes, I am, but our money's tight at the moment - that's why we're moving, 'cause my mom's been driving four hours every day just to get to work...and...gas prices...SUCK. Anywho! ><;
darkestthunder2: Once I get a job I'm saving up for one.
yensil314: I had to pay for about 1/3 of my trombone
darkestthunder2: Oh, yeah? That seems fair.
darkestthunder2: ....><; Right then!
yensil314: the rest was a christmas present
darkestthunder2: Oh, yeah? That's fun! ^_^
darkestthunder2: See, I'm hoping that my mom will be able to at least get it, and pay the first few payments, and then once I get a good job I'll pay for the rest of it.
yensil314: it was cool though, cause they put a trombone christmas tree ornament in my stocking when they told me they would get me a real one
darkestthunder2: Fun! ^_^ That's clever...
darkestthunder2: When did you start playing it? And how long has it been since then?
darkestthunder2: Just wondering
yensil314: I was speechless
darkestthunder2: Man, I bet you were 8D
yensil314: i didn't actually get it till mid february
yensil314: it wass this year,
yensil314: just in time for solo and ensemble compitition
darkestthunder2: Fun ^^ How long have you been playing the trombone, overall?
yensil314: since 5th grade
darkestthunder2: What grade are you in now? >_<;;;
darkestthunder2: *is feeling like I'm interviewing you*
yensil314: just graduated and am about to start college
darkestthunder2: O.O Nuts! Heh, woah. Well then, that's longer than me, for sure.
darkestthunder2: I started playing the clarinet in the fifth grade, and then once I hit the seventh grade I switched to bassoon...and now I'm about to go into the 9th grade, so...><;;
yensil314: I didn't have to worry about switching, I used to play violin becaus at my school you could start strings in 3rd but had to wait till 5th for "band instruments"
yensil314: keep practicing
darkestthunder2: Yeah, no kidding...I think playing the violin would be fun...but nah, I'd never stop playing the bassoon.
yensil314: it took me forever, but i finally got and held 1st chair in the top band this year
darkestthunder2: ^^ *cheers*
yensil314: I also play baritone, but the trombone is my real passion
darkestthunder2: I used to have a friend who played the baritone...
darkestthunder2: But trombones are so cool...
darkestthunder2: I swear, I admire people who play it XDD I could never handle not having keys to work with.
darkestthunder2: Having the slide would just confuse me ><;
yensil314: you're constantly tuning
darkestthunder2: Heh, I'll bet...
yensil314: after it's like playing with a giant tuning slide
darkestthunder2: *nodnod* Sadly enough, at my old school, we didn't have any trombone players who were serious about it >.<
yensil314: You'll probably have more in high school
darkestthunder2: Yeah, I hope.
yensil314: I've come a long way since last chair in seventh grade
darkestthunder2: Wow, no kidding o.o
yensil314: although i do lot's of other things, and I'm really good at other things (especially test taking (I tend to screw up the curve)) Music is the only thing I really work at
yensil314: wow, I feel like I'm being interviewed
yensil314: lol
darkestthunder2: XD Yeah er...donno if I should be sorry for 'interviewing' you or not ><; Hrm...But yeah, I music, man. Like, when we're playing a good song, or when I'm listening to some good classical music, I'm just like.."woah..." and I'm so...into it.
yensil314: That's okay, maybe if I get famous this conversation could hold valuble information
yensil314: :-)
darkestthunder2: Woo!
darkestthunder2: Better copy and paste it, then XP
yensil314: even better you can just save it
darkestthunder2: ...that is...very, very true...
yensil314: Yup
yensil314: Well, I need to go get ready for the play tonight, any parting comments/questions?
darkestthunder2: Erm...*squints eyes in thought* not...that I can think of...
darkestthunder2: So, I guess just good luck with the orchestra pit! ^^
yensil314: thanx, as we say in show buisness "break a leg" (i have no idea were that expression comes from)Bye
darkestthunder2: *waffles* Bye! And luck 8D
yensil314: thanks

Wow, that was long, and it was a bitch 'cause my copy/paste functon wouldn't transmit the format so I had to return between every line manually...yeecchh
Congratulations for getting this far down the page.
well I'd better end this since it keeps growng and you want to finish reading it today.
Bye Y'all

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