And in case you're having trouble seeing it, try this one
OH and does everyone remember the poem "Room For Trains"? I've posted an explanation in the comments section, I'd appreciate it if you'd go back and read it, even if you think you understood it, I'm sorry if I end up telling you things you already knew, but it's important to me that there be no misunderstanding, um... if people would let me know what they thought (IE COMMENT!!!) I wouldn't have to tell's the link:
So anyway, I had to get up ridiculously early today, brings back fond *cough, cough, hack, weeze* memories of High School *dies*
And now, a lovely picture which I put together in MS Paint, Irealize it's not as good as the photoediting Dr.Shin does....but it's not bed for someone who hasn't used paint in several years...I realize that several of you hav seen this before, but I'm posting it anyway, both for those who haven't, and because I have nothing else to put here....okay I stop talking and show you the pic now..............................
heh heh, don't I just have a horribly warped sense of humor? Anyone know what the linux logo is? naaaaahhhh, linux is a good thing, I won't hurt it.
Well we've almost decided on a name for the computer, IE we are asking for submissions which we will probbly not use, but they will give ideas....or maybe not, who knows?
uh.....that's all for today, Cya
If I had any pride, I would kill myself for such a bad sense of humour, but I don't so you're stuck with me and this is my longest sign out line to date,
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