Saturday, September 11, 2004


My calculator is obsolete. I wish for the new version. The following is a funeral service held by me and a friend in my old calculator honor, we ask you to join us in mourning.

He Died With Honor
yensil314: ...we are gathered her today, to morn the loss of a dear countryman...
yensil314: and a dear friend
yensil314: ...his life was not given in vain
yensil314: for he was a hero
darkestthunder2: o.o?
yensil314: and his loss touches us all, to the very center of our being
yensil314: TI89 has passed into obsolesance
yensil314: *cries*
yensil314: "I wanna TI89 Platinum!!!!, Boo hoo hoohoo waaaaaahhhhh
darkestthunder2: *patpats head* *Kleenex*
yensil314: *sniff* thanks
yensil314: *bury's the casket*
darkestthunder2: *patpats head* It was a wonderful calculator, always performing correct equations...*salute* Though I did not know ye well, almighty soldier, you were a fine one.
yensil314: he was brave, and he died serving his country
yensil314: his tragic death was not in vain, for, because of calculators like him, we free from the evil tyranny of calculus, and it's allies algebra, geometry, and statistics
yensil314: let us pray
darkestthunder2: *bows head*
yensil314: Dear heavenly abacus, forefather to all calculators here today, we ask you in the name of your son the slide rule, to give peace to this fallen soldier who died in the service of his contry, protecting the one's he loved. He showed honor and courage, and his tragic loss grieves us less because we know that he is safe with you in eternal rest. Amen"
darkestthunder2: XDDD
yensil314: heh heh, that is coming soon to a blog near you (you didn't say amen)
yensil314: and I'm gonna eat

I'm saving my money,


Anonymous said...

"No such thing as Silicon Heaven? Then where do all the calculators go?"
-Kryton, Red Dwarf episode "The Last Day"

Sorry, couldn't resist. I just watched that episode, which I taped off PBS.

Anyway, site is looking great, Jens. I know this is an annonymus (spelling?) post, but it's your old pal Rob.

Yensil blogs again! said...

how can you mispell a word that's written elsewhere on the page already?
And yeah...blogger is a wonderful thing, Really need to do some personalisation though... HEY! you should get a blogger account!

I must outdo Greth! (although his template is prepackaged's just not blogger supplied) (must make my own! This is my quest, to follow that...nevermind)