Sunday, October 10, 2004

Third Time's The Charm? Yeah. Right.

I wrote this a while ago. I was going to keep it to myself, but I couldn't, so I shared it with a stranger, and that was enough for a while. But I can't keep my poems from the world, no matter how special they are to me. Whether it's a need to share beauty, or a need for attention, I don't know, but either way I share, and will continue to share.

Oh, and I was pretty depressed at the time too.

Rule Of Threes
The stars,
The stars, they guide me through
The night
They guide me straight to you.

You can say a thing that isn't true
But it is no lie that I miss you
Say it thrice it must be true
And so I say that I love you

Say it once,
It may not be true
Say it twice
It may not be true
But say it thrice
And it must be true
And so I say that I love you

I look into the nighttime sky
And see the clouds go drifting by
The city lights
They shine so bright
They hide the stars
There are no stars

I see the moon
And all too soon
I think of you
What shall I do?

Say it once, it isn't true
Say it twice it's still not true
Say it thrice it must be true
I love you
I love you
I love


No stars...*cries softly*

1 comment:

working on my sincerity said...

I love that so much. ^^ Third time's a charm. I love reading your poetry, Yensil. It gives off the emotion so strongly, it makes me feel it, inside and out, and makes me want to throw out work just as beautiful.

I'm also a fan of repetition in poetry, and you nailed that. No kidding, Yensil, that was great. Especially at the end, as I scrolled through the box to get to that last 'You', I felt the clenching in my chest right before I saw it, and I could just feel the emotion spilling...

Man, you have some kickass voice.