Sunday, February 18, 2007

Drag your feet!

First, click on the title link and read the page it leads to.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

Okay, well this may be somewhat old news to some, but for those who are having difficulty in music acquisition, I have a simple four step plan:
Step 1: Find a large LAN to leach off of. College dorms are ideal for this.
Step 2: Download and install iTunes and ourTunes.
Step 3: ???????
Step 4: Profit.

Alrighty, so now that that's settled, I have news.
I just purchased an iPod shuffle for 20$ less the retail price.
I go now to play with it.

1 comment:

working on my sincerity said...

I must admit, that poem OWNS.

Oh, those elusive question marks. How they taunt me. D:

*does the iPod shuffle dance*