Monday, April 30, 2007

God Bless America! Fuck Yeah!

Pardon our American.

Anyway, if they made a Justice League of America movie, and you could pick any actor (from any era) to play any JLA'er (former or present) who would you pick?
So far I've come up with:
Wonder Woman: Demi Moore, I really can't think of anyone better suited to the role.
Batman: Clint Eastwood (assuming he only appears in costume, no Bruce Wayne)
Superman: Christopher Reeve, a Superman on and off the screen.

Okay, I've got the easy ones, now it's your turn:
There's Black Canary, The Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan or Kyle Rainer, the rest were never JLA (I think)), Aquaman, The Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow (I'm thinking Johnny Depp, but blonde) and Plastic Man (Only Jim Carrey could pull that off).

And anyone else I've forgotten.
And yes, I do seem to be on a real comic book spree lately.

Check my dA page for poetic developments.


Anonymous said...

Kevin Costner as Aquaman? He was part fish in...waterworld, was it?

I'd really like to see Robin Williams as someone like the flash...though he was a Martian in his early days, he was no manhunter.

Anonymous said...

hehee. demi moore would be good as wonderwoman. i don't really know much about the rest of those characters... my sequential art major friend down here are just not getting me into comics :P

Anonymous said...

****just NOW they are. amazing the difference a latter makes.