Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nobody reads my blog anymore! T_T

Not that it matters much.
Incidentally: title link, yay!

Oh, and If you die in Canada, you die in real life!

Update at 1:24 pm
Hmm...this line has been floating around my head since some time last night...
"And I'll feel better in October;
So call me when September's over..."
It has music attached but no context.
I need context.
I very much want to write this song/poem just for the sake of this line. >_<

1 comment:

working on my sincerity said...

XKCD IS THE BEST. XD Even though I don't get a lot of the math/physics jokes. ._.

Hm...could be a poem about someone whose loved one died during September. Or something like that. I'm not sure, and you've probably moved on anyway. XD