Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Changed my blog title.
In case you can't tell, that's a capital letter π.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


My iPod is mysteriously missing from it's docking bay...I suspect foul play.
We shall see what further investigation brings...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Call it a "Domestic Disturbance"....

My iPod got in a fight with my Computer (Henceforth known as Shadowcat...the old one was Supergirl)....
Anyway...the situation has yet to be resolved, but I'm already late for work.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Courtesy of Time Warner
See you kids on AIM. :P

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Drivin' with the windows down.

And other thoughts of spring.
Did I mentinon that I have 3 gigs of Ram?
That's about three less than I want, but still more than I need....maybe. >.>
I like my graphics card but I want a better one....NVIDIA? WTF, wurs mah ATI?
So um... yeah.
Internet arrives saturday.
Also the crack dreams I mentioned last post....Shattered anew when I found out that I owed the city of Dayon $112 D:
For this I get to wait three weeks before they fix all the potholes on my street after a big snowstorm? Great. >_<

...Oh yeah! I was gonna post a meme! here it is:

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1.) Fight a horde of rampaging velociraptors (or raptor like aliens) bullets and a sword for when I run out, and my pet velociraptor spark that I raised from a baby, then die gloriously in defense of the colony, only to be whisked up to heaven where I discover, to my inevitable dismay, that Jesus and the Pope, really were velociraptors all along. D:(obviously, this is the last thing I want to do before I die, and preferably when I'm old) Although I'd be satisfied with a video game where that happens. XP
2.) Go to Spain
3.) Get laid....ha! ...No really, I'd like to find a nice girl and marry her....and then get laid and make lots of little Jensies and Jensettes. :P

Three Names You Go By:
1.) Jens - my given name, on my birth certificate.
2.) Yensil - Used by several of my friends, and the internet.
3.) Jensy - My mom calls me that, and my grandmother sometimes. ...If anyone else tries they will die a violent and painful death...involving velociraptors.

Three Screen Names You Have Had (Other Than This One):
1.) Yensil314, after a while I chopped off the numbers, but that one's still floating around a few sites.
2.) The cat one - if you know it, you know which one I mean, if you don't, too bad, it's a secret. :P
3.) Stupor Man - Faster than a plodding turtle, etc...

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
1.) The shape of my jaw
2.) My hair
3.) My general height and build...minus the gut. >.>

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
2.) French: Wine and art snob. :P
3.) Some small bit of Scottish somewhere (Campbell) Start up the bagpipes and you might just see me in a kilt. :d

Three Things That Scare You:
1.) Zombies. Fortunately the move very slowly and do not have sharp adges.
2.) Velociraptors....They do not move slowly and do have sharp edges. O-o
3.) Zombie Velociraptors...that's some serious shit. O_O

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.) Ritalin....Cures ADD and no sleep!
2.) Anywhere between two and six cigarettes on a work day, 0-3 on a day off.
3.) Intarweb access! I currently can't get this on sundays. :( But that ends this week! :D

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) Red shirt with black sillhouette picture of a hawaiian dancer guy that my mom bought me in...Hawaii
2.) Faded, slightly worn jeans, with badly worn cuffs at the back where they've dragged on the ground.
3.) All black Chucks.

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:
1.) JTB (Jets to Brazil) Definitely my top favorite
2.) Alkaline Trio
3.) Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian...there's a lot more, but those are my top three.

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:
1.) Rocket Boy by JTB
2.) The Bard's Song by Blind Guardian
3.) Sweet Child of Mine by Gun's and Roses

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:
1.) Low pressure/Low maintenance. I'm jealous of my time and have little money.
2.) Similar literary interests/internet interests...same books, same webcomics, same forums, etc... Or at least some of the same.
3.) A girl who could kick my butt at Smash Brothers and Soul Calibur would be awesome.
A girl who could kick Greth's butt at SB and SC would be eve awesomer (cuz I can't T_T)

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
1.) The door on the left leads to freedom
2.) The door on the right leads to freedom
3.) Both doors lead to violent and painful death at the cruel claws and fangs of a pack of hungry velociraptors.
Which door will you choose? Dun dun dun...

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:
1.) Cute face....Probably the only thing I'm picky about.
2.) Not too skinny, not too fat...actually that's a pretty wide range in my case, I'm not particularly picky.
3.) Between one and five inches shorter than me, though I don't really care, it's the mind that matters.

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.) KOMPYOOTAR MASHEEN...Intarwebs and RTS games. :D
2.) Reading. Fiction and Sci-Fi mostly, Romance on audio.
3.) Outdoorsy things, though I don't do that much these days. :\

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
1.) Eat foodstuffs. I am hungered.
2.) Play Maple Story...but alas I'm still waiting on the intarbuttz. :d
3.) Do deadly battle with a Velociraptor...and win. :D

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
1.) High School biolgy teacher
2.) Nurse
3.) Apologetics professor
...Of course I never even considered the one I'm in. >_<

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
1.) Spain
2.) Japan
3.) The Moon

Three Kid's Names You Like:
...You mean like for my childrens? O-o
1.) Karen for my first girl...
2.) ...
3.) ...I have other ideas I'm sure, but I can't think of them right now. O-o

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
1.) I like chick flicks... I even go to see them by myself some times. ^^;
2.) ...I've gone blank again, someone else give me some ideas. >_<

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
1.) My room is a mess. XP
2.) I enjoy women....XP I am a heterosexual male after all.
3.) I like hunting, fishing, and especially, "roughing it". But I don't get out much these days.

Three People That I Would Like To See Take This Quiz Now:
...Actually I have four:
1.) Tommu
2.) Elf Girl
3.) Mouse person...
4.) Raptur


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Speedway coffee has never let me down.

And it's cheaper than Starbucks.
Uh...it's shiny and fast and new....
But I don't have internet access or security yet...so I'm still blogging from the library. XP
But even without the intarwebz, this still means that my FIRST AND FAVORITE GAMING PLATFORM IS BACK IN ACTION!
Of course... no online play...and I'm horribly out of date on games, but....eh, whatever.
Also: Any crack dreams I may have been nursing about having enough left over from my tax return to get a Wii or maybe just a DS, even assuming I didn't get any games right at first, were quite shattered when I got the tri-core processor instead of a dual core, upgraded to 19" monitor...and oh yeah...SALES TAX! >_<
Ironic that more than $50 of my tax return/econimic stimulus payment went straight back to good old Uncle Sam. >_<
And I still haven't gotten internet security software...figure another $100-$150...plus the fact that my scanner sucks worse than a hole in a spaceship and won't be getting replaced any time soon....I hate computers. >_<
No really, I'm very excited to have one that doesn't suck for the first time in ages, and I plan to take good care of it.....by which I mean push it to it's limits until it explodes and takes me with it....keep an eye on the papers for headlines like "MAN KILLED BY EXPLODING COMPUTER" or "BATTERED PC TAKES REVENGE IN TRAGIC DOUBLE SUICIDE"....
New sentence format today...ENTER THE ELIPSIS!
Which is a really cool word...okay bye.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I need to stop reading romance novels.

I'm almost starting to believe in happy endings.
So, I believe in fate.
But I also believe that due to our severly limited perception of space, and especially time, it is impossible for us mortals to know our fate before it happens, thereby creating the illusion, and for all reasonable intents and purposes (from our perspective) the reality, of free will.
Okay I was going to rant about how fate may or may not affect daily decisions and such, but I got bored and realized that all my arguments were pretty much pointless and circular and led to the conclusion that if one believes that the existence of fate makes action futile, the he/she was fated to be a n apathetic slob anyway, and if one decides to act anyway, then once again they were fated to do so.
Also: Perhaps fate is a wrong word, and free choice really does exist, only we have already made all of our choices, and fail to see that because our perspective is limited. Perhaps some omnipotent being who can see all that happens in all the time it takes for it to happen in, much in the way that we might see all of a two dimensional image of a certain size if given enough time to study it fully (therein revealing the flaw in using a spacial metaphor for a temporal phenomenon), can see and know what decisions we will make when we ourselves do not.
It's kind of difficult to describe that accurately with a limited perspective and vocabulary based on our own perception of time, so I'll have to trust in your imaginations and capability for abstract thought to figure it out.
Also I need to learn to make my run on sentences more readable.
This "Top1, top2 (top3 end3) end2, end1." or even worse: "Top1, top2 (top3 end3) middle2, top4 end4, end2; top5 (top6 end6) middle5, (top7 (top8, top9 end9; top10 end ten) middle8 (top11 end11) end8) end7) end5 (top12 end12), end1." (to cite an extreme case) has got to stop.
Even my example sentence was bad, it went: "top1 "Top2-end2" or "top3-end3" (top4 end4) end1.
Rignt then.
I can't help it.
I guess it just goes to show how my thought patterns work - circles within circles within circles connected to other circles. If some one were to draw my thoght patterns out it would probably look like the chainmail armor from hell....with horrid complicate spiderwebs connecting random distant links to each other.
Anyone capable of accurately representing such a thing on paper would have to be mad...or terribly terribly sane.....with a piece of paper that says they are.

Soooo....I digress.
Back to fate:
I bring this up because I have concluded that it is unwise to assume you know your fate, especially in connection to emotional matters, as you may well be dissapointed.
Same goes for hope, which is the same thing really.
Some people try to protect themselves from harm by not hoping, calling it being pragmatic, others manage to hope hard enough that even when they are dissapointed and manage to find solace in the next thing they hope for.
Buddhism teaches moderation in all things.
This post started cynical and now preaches moderation.
I may move on to endorsing wishful thinking by the end, but I doubt it.


It's pointless to allow belief in fate to influence ones decisions since no matter what you do, you were going to do it anyway (or had alread chosen to, in the cosmic scheme of things).
Besides, you don't know, and speculation is always a poor basis for choice.

...I forgot anything else I was going to say, except for this:
I saw two robins on the way to the library today.
No doubt I would likely have seen one sooner had I not been driving the library for the past couple of weeks (cutting back on cigerettes (I always seem to smoke one each way when I walk) so I won't feel guilty about enjoying the pipe my brother gave me for my birthday) but regardless, it is now officially spring for me.
There's another one of those sentences...
Oh well.
Yay robins.
Yay spring.
And everyone is fated to comment: "TL;DR"
Oh well, I'm not gonna read it either. >_<

I'm cheering about spring...there's your endorsement of hope. o_o*

Aaaaaand it's April first...I should have said: "Hi, I died in a car accident about two hours ago, you'll hear about it soon, the afterlife is boring and really sucks."
Oh well.