If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars.
I Fear…
[ ] the dark (When I'm walking a dark road I am a man who walks alone...(Bonus points if you get the reference))
[ ] staying single forever (Eh, I've hope yet. Besides, I've been in love before. Even that brief time would be worth never having it again. (though I do want it))
[X] being a parent (Yeah, I can see myself screwing that up, but I want it anyway. >_< )
[ ] giving birth (I don't have to do the hard bit, so no. Besides, it must work out fine most times, else we'd've died off long ago.)
[ ] being myself in front of others (Am I ever not myself in some way?)
[ ] open spaces (Love em.)
[ ] closed spaces (Love em more.)
[ ] heights (Used to be, kept climbing till I got over it)
[ ] dogs (I've given significant thought to how I'd fight one off if ever attacked, and I have a healthy respect for the damage one could do, but I'm not phobic or anything. I like dogs, especially pit bulls and retrievers)
[ ] birds (No, not even in Hitchcock's hands. I'd die fighting, take hundreds of the flappy bastards with me.)
[ ] fish (No, but I am scared of hooks, so I prefer other methods of catching them, but apparently spear fishing is illegal off the reservation.)
[ ] spiders (How many of you have seen me pick up a tarantula? Spiders are totally cool with me.)
[ ] flowers or other plants (Only triffids.)
Total so far: 1
[ ] being touched (Eh, no, I'm pretty physically expressive myself, so...)
[ ] fire (Fascinated, not frightened. I'm convinced I'll die in a fire, but it doesn't bother me. It would hurt though.)
[ ] deep water (Deep water's fun, and I'm good swimmer. Plus, there's gotta be land somewhere, so even if you drown, you can die trying)
[ ] snakes (Mmm, tasty)
[ ] silk (This is common? Seriously?)
[ ] the ocean (Love the shore, and see what I said about deep water?)
[ ] failure (If at first you don't succeed...)
[ ] success (I think I could live with that.)
[ ] thunder/lightning (Aside from mild concern for my computer? Nah.)
[ ] frogs/toads (Amphibians are nifty. See what I said about spiders?
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad (No more than I am of any other person who wants to kill me.)
[ ] boyfriends/girlfriends mom (*shrug* Dad's the one with the shotgun.)
[X] rats (Um....not as long as I don't have to touch them or anything...well, it'd be okay if I had gloves on....bitey little plaguey things....guess that's a yes.
[ ] jumping from high places (I'd probably take jumping to my death over other ways of dying any day.)
[ ] snow (But it's so pretty! o-o)
Total so far: 2
[ ] rain (Rain is just about the coolest thing ever.
[ ] wind (It's annoying when it knocks the power out...)
[ ] crossing hanging bridges (Even if it breaks you could probably grab something...Like I said earlier, I got over my fear of heights.)
[ ] death (It would be inconvenient.)
[ ] heaven (Seriously? What the hell is wrong with people?)
[ ] being robbed (It's inconvenient. If I walked in on one, I'd mostly be pissed off. Robber better be scared of me. What's he gonna do, shoot me? I can do a lot worse than that. >
[ ] falling (The fall won't hurt you, it's the sudden stop you have to worry about. Deceleration trauma. <3 )
[ ] clowns (Clowns anger me.)
[ ] large crowds of people (The trick is to be aggressive. Push first.)
[ ] men (Only if they're trying to raep me. )
[ ] women (See above.)
[ ] having great responsibilities (I'm not the one who should be afraid of that...)
[ ] doctors, including dentists (Okay, you know how they swear an oath? Like, to not hurt people?)
[ ] tornadoes (I can goes to Oz nao plz?)
Total so far: still 2
[ ] hurricanes (No more than any other inclement weather. It only scares me if I'm out on the water and can't beat it to shore.)
[ ] incurable diseases (Life is an incurable disease. It's 100% lethal, too.)
[ ] sharks (Tasty. Just don't bleed on them. Or near them.)
[ ] Friday the 13th (Statistically no more unlucky than any other day.)
[ ] ghosts (They have no power over you that you don't give them.)
[ ] poverty (The less you have, the less you have to lose.)
[ ] Halloween (We've got the date wrong anyway. The dead come out on the fall equinox, but remember what I said about ghosts?)
[X] school (Been there, done that, have about fifty T-shirts. (okay, just twelve, and I still wear some of them. Wearing one now! North Park, yo! Still, I suppose that it could be argued that fear has kept me from giving it another shot, so...)
[ ] trains (So amazingly much safer than cars.)
[ ] odd numbers (Umm....numbers?)
[ ] even numbers (NUMBERS?)
[ ] being alone (Dude. People suck.)
[ ] becoming blind (It would make me sad, I suppose. But there'd still be plenty to live for. And thank God for audio books.)
[ ] becoming deaf (I probably will eventually. :\ Gotta get my music now.)
[ ] growing up (Been there, done that, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.)
Total so far: 3
[ ] creepy noises in the night (Night noises aren't creepy to me. I'm kinda used to them.)
[X] bee stings (Not bees, no. But I HATE wasps. (and I can tell the difference))
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals (If that bothered me, I'd've worked a LOT harder.)
[ ] needles (As long as they're sterile.)
[ ] blood (squirt squirt)
[ ] dinosaurs (They're kinda dead...)
[ ] the welcome mat (This is common? I worry about people sometimes...)
[ ] high speed (It's the danger that makes it fun.)
[ ] throwing up (If I puke, I don't have to go to work. If I'm at work, I can go home. Really it's a pretty win situation, as long as it's not my day off. >_<
[ ] falling in love (Remember what I said about rain? This is why I said 'just about'
[ ] super secrets (Huh?)
Final Total: 4
Huh. Guess my fears are too obscure for this quiz. Hooks, lobsters, and zombies.
... if you wish to post this in your journal, it's been requested that you title it I'm afraid of _ out of 72 common fears...
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