Tuesday, August 31, 2004
And in case you're having trouble seeing it, try this one
OH and does everyone remember the poem "Room For Trains"? I've posted an explanation in the comments section, I'd appreciate it if you'd go back and read it, even if you think you understood it, I'm sorry if I end up telling you things you already knew, but it's important to me that there be no misunderstanding, um... if people would let me know what they thought (IE COMMENT!!!) I wouldn't have to tell them...here's the link:
So anyway, I had to get up ridiculously early today, brings back fond *cough, cough, hack, weeze* memories of High School *dies*
And now, a lovely picture which I put together in MS Paint, Irealize it's not as good as the photoediting Dr.Shin does....but it's not bed for someone who hasn't used paint in several years...I realize that several of you hav seen this before, but I'm posting it anyway, both for those who haven't, and because I have nothing else to put here....okay I stop talking and show you the pic now..............................
heh heh, don't I just have a horribly warped sense of humor? Anyone know what the linux logo is? naaaaahhhh, linux is a good thing, I won't hurt it.
Well we've almost decided on a name for the computer, IE we are asking for submissions which we will probbly not use, but they will give ideas....or maybe not, who knows?
uh.....that's all for today, Cya
If I had any pride, I would kill myself for such a bad sense of humour, but I don't so you're stuck with me and this is my longest sign out line to date,
Monday, August 30, 2004
Gonna Go And Join The HOMESTARMY
Well, I suppose a few things did happen to me today, I finally got my mail, unfortunatly the reciept for my books wasn't there, I do have an internet cable long enough to reach my desk now (but I've really settled in on my bed T_T) oh well...
I also learned for sure (I've been suspicious) that my Mom reads my blog, and She's going to continue reading it more often...AAAHHHH!!!! QUICK, HIDE THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!! Love ya mom...ummmm...Two people (NOT MY FAMILY) have asked me for my address so that they can send me care packages (IE food), No mom,you don't know them, but you might consider following their example...Oh, another good thing happened today, I had a nice conversation (on the way out of Biology class) with my lab partner for chemistry (and we didn't just talk about lab either) we just happened to be going the same way, and she had wanted to ask me something (and of course I expanded that into a conversation *is happy*) (yes I really did happen to be going the same way as her, though I wouldn't have hesitated to fake it), She's a very nice girl (as well as good lookin) and I look forward to getting to know her better (god I'm such a nerd, I even over analyze my relationships...Ih well, whatever works)
um...there was something else I wanted to say...but as usual I can't remember...Oh yeah! Still working on that poem (the second half of what eventually became "Pandora") I added some stuff, but It's not finished, and I'm not sure where to go from there, not really sure what I'm trying to say. Oh well, I'll keep working at it, In the mean time, I have lab (bio not chem) at 8:00 tomorrow, so I need to go to bed, Bye All's
Things're lookin up,
(PS: my title is a link, don't know if I'll keep doing that or not, but...enjoy, it may even explain the title somewhat.)
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Love At First Sight??? Naaaaaahh....
Every time I close my eyes, I see her
Every time I open my mind, I think about her
Don't cry for me
Don't sigh for me
Don't try for me
Don't die forme
It won't do any good
I just misunderstood
Maybe what I thought was love,
Was just a song sent from above
When push does truly come to shove
Maybe it wasn't really love
What then is left
Was it merely lust?
A physical attraction?
Then all my hopes
Would turn to dust
For lack of a reaction
Don't cry for me
Don't Sigh for me
Don't try for me
Don't die for me
I die inside
I cannot hide
From my own pain
Hard to explain
I can't accept
That she's gone for good
I can't comprehend
I misunderstood
I need duct tape
To patch up the hole in my heart
This lack of love
Is tearing me apart
It won't do any good
Never has before
My tears fall down and splash
Wetly on the floor
Don't cry for me
Don't sigh for me
Don't try for me
Don't die for me
I don't know how
I can restart
Oh God
You're tearing out my heart
No one to hug in Chicago,
Saturday, August 28, 2004
C'mon, Gimme Something To Work With Here!!! or "The Book Of Prophecy"
As you read, make note of which words are capitalized:
One for Hatred
Two for Fear
Three for the Loss
Of a loved one dear
Four brings Greed
Five brings Lust
Six, an utter
Lack of trust
Seven is Sorrow
Eight is Pain
Nine is Anger
Ten is Blame
Eleven: Hunger
Twelve: Disease
Thirteen marks:
The Taxman's Fees
A Chinese curse
Should life prove a bore
Live in interesting times
Fourteen is War
Number Fifteen
My final breath
In life's uncertainty
Is certain Death
A tiny thing
I've left for last
Sixteen gifts Hope
To help us past
I was having trouble thiking of bad things to include in the poem, I had the first stanza, and I had the end figured out (taxes, and the four horsemen), but I got a little bit stuck there in the middle...Guess my life's too happy...(insert reference to "Kino's Journey"), Hence the title of the post...
If you've seen it, you'll get it, if not, then you should watch it.
Gaahhh!!! I'm running out of sign out lines! please submit,
Filler Time!!!!
By the way, this will only be the first, of many fillers, so consider yourself warned. I will use these whenever I want to post but have nothing to say, or when I have something to say, but not enough to justify putting it up by itself...
Enjoy the meaninglessness,
Friday, August 27, 2004
Most Horriblest Title Ever!!!
Well, my roomate is gone for the weekend, apparently this is going to be a regular thing, Don't know what I'll with all that time to myself. Probably continue to waste my life here at my computer.
There was other stuff I wanted to say but I can't remember...OH yeah, I walked down to the super market last night, but they wouldn't take my checkbecause it was my first one. Apparently I have to write a check and it has to be cashed, then they'll take them. All that walk for nothing....
Any way, here's the poem, stay tuned for more, and I know there was more I wanted to say, but I can't remember so....
Words in my head
I write them down
Don't know what I said
Try not to frown
Think through the pain
From this flesh wound in my heart
Tried to explain
But I just drove us more apart
I ride hell bent
For leather on the swiftest horse
If I knew what I meant
Then I wouldn't be so coarse
I can't understand
Can't begin to comprehend
Make my last stand
As my world comes to an end
Well that's all, I'm going to try and finish that other one....no I dea when that'll be, so stay tuned.
Wish I had a better title,
Thursday, August 26, 2004
further more, it turns out that my bible teacher is pretty cool after all, yes he is verymuch concerned with attendance and of more worry to me, with tardiness. butI think I'll get by, He is certaintly the most dynamic and engaging lecturer I have. I actually found my self listening closely to what he was saying, as opposed to my usual "absorption" method of learning.....
I must say that I am enjoying college so far. And the bible is interesting even if you don't believe it all....
Oh, and if you haven't all ready, read my latest poem: "Room For Trains" about2 posts back.
I think I'm a Deist,
Comments For Tommu
And of course guesss where i got it....Ms Stewart.
She's a great teacher, you will learn much from her if you listen. Best English teacher I ever had, although Mrs. Webb was pretty good too. And I am very curious as to who is teaching calc for you guys??? My chemistry Prof is an awesome guy...He believes that Calvin and Hobbes is the 2nd best comic ever!!! and he said that "Pogo" or something was the first, I think it's before my time, but I plan on looking it up since my dad recognized it and agreed.....Say Hi to Ms Stewart for us...uh better make that me.... and feel free to show her my poetry or give her teh linky or something, actually, don't do that yet I'm gonna make a freewebs site for just my poetry although I'll continue to post some in my blog as well, so when i've done that you can give her that site.....yeah Tell her I said hi, and don't sleep in english. I think I'm going to have to post this comment in my own blog as well it's so long and deep.......
I gotta new poem, Go read it,
Writing is a prison. It has a toilet, but it doesn't flush!
Well if I knew the answer to that question, I'd have a hell of a lot more ideas. As it is, I know that listening to music, and reading other people's poetry tends to stimulate me poetically. Different people have different needs. I happen to have a very strong need for rythym, this is evident in the amount of poetry I read, and the amount of music I listen to. Music keeps me sane, poetry keeps me human. Sometimes I have no I dea where my words come from, not to say I'm prophetic or anything. Sometimes, like with "Fire Dance" I know exactly what I meant with every word. But some times, like with "Mercy" or the one I'm about to share, I have no idea where the words cam from, they just came into my head and moved on to the paper. Well, anyway, here's my latest work:
rooms in my head
walls in my mind
graves for the dead
life for the kind
once took a walk
and wandered around
the eyes of a hawk
see all on the ground
should a blade of grass stir,
or a stalk of wheat bend
then downwards shall whirr
A slow rabbit's end
freedom now comes
from a tyrant's control
the sound of the drums
the bell's solemn toll
When will there be peace
and goodwill towards men?
will the war never cease?
are we trapped in our pen?
And the power of the pen
greater far than the sword
no mere weapon of men
has the power of a word
in the right place or time
If we look far enough
can put end to the crime
that makes life so tough
when we laugh, when we smile
or in tears full of pain
with a chisel and file
you're derailing my train
my thoughts seem to merge
as I come to the end
I can't resist the urge
to ask who will they send
Thank you for your attention,
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Everyone Else Is Asleep....
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
No, I think he meant a "pulseometer".....
My biology Prof. is new on the staff, and i think pretty new to teaching, he has a slight tendency to fumble for words... Hence the title, he was talking about lab equipment for some purpose or an other, and he mentioned: a treadmill for the person to run on, a stopwatch, and a...uh...stethoscope to measure their pulse with. This was just an example of potential lab equipment. Neverthelesss, I'm pretty sure the word he was searching for was "Pulseometer", good word that.
He then went on to discuss lab safety, which leads me to give you the following quote: "So, In the unlikely event that you set yourself on fire in the lab, you will know where to go to get yourself, uh...... not on fire" which is not actually what the emergency shower is for... oh well, it was a rather amusing quote, and he is new. So I'll let it pass, not good to feel superior (and even less good to act superior) to your profs, I'm sure he know a helluva lot more about cell biology than I do.
so now, on to my other classes, nothing else of much interest happened the rest of the day except that chemistry met in a different class than my schedule said, but it didn't cause me any trouble. Also I went to bed early, do to sleeping problems over the weekend, all better now. So, on to tuesday (err today):
Well Cell Bio lab was canceled do to lack of equipment or something, so I slept in. MY Intro to the Bible class looks kind of interesting, but I'm not sure I like the Prof. He seems like a pretty cool guy, but not the kinda guy I'll necessarily get along with. Guess I'll just have to work hard and keep my hed down, I should be okay if I can do that...(Points to the ADHDness that says he will probably do just the opposite) (Silence ADHDness!!! I shall overcome thee!!! You won't ruin my life!!!)
Well there're a few people I already know here, from my campus visit last fall, and from the second visit for the scholarship competition. So far I've only had to sit alone at a meal once, which suited me fine at the time anyway so I'm not complaining.
On a brighter note, had the first Chem lab today, I was a wee bit late (but unlike my intro to the bible teacher, this guy's cool with that) but I still managed to finish the lab so I don't have to go back on thursday, which is good, mucho good. Aaaannndd I've got a HOT!!! lab partner. The Prof said that if he were picking a lab partner he would probably look for the prettiest girl in the room (handsomest guy for the girls of course), or, if he wanted to get an "A", he'd try to find the smartest person in the room. Now, my logic works thusly: I didn't think I'd have to look far to find teh smartest (there being a good chance it was me...) so I opted for finding someone I'd want to impress with my own smartness, since that would motivate me to work hard. And I believe I was successful. So, If my life continues along it's current trajectory then: A) I can't wait for Bio lab next tuesday, B) I should do pretty well afterall if I can keep myself motivated, C) I wouldn't mind some help but meh, I should be fine, and lastly D) MAYbe there is tutoring potential here? that would definately motivat me to study...which means that my method of getting A's can be a lot more physically (or at least asthetically) rewarding than the one my teacher suggested...It's good to be smart (and cute to boot, I hope so anyway)
Well I gotta go, Two short essay do tomorrow... and i haven't started yet.
Wierd signout lines are a good thing,
Sunday, August 22, 2004
OOPS! or Here's Another One!
In the poem: "Dreams" the lines origionally read:
Says the dreamer to the son
So maybe tell it to your son
They should have read:
Says the dreamer to the sun
So maybe tell it to your son
thank you for taking the time to learn about this error, and now to our next line of buisiness which is a new poem, enjoy:
Love is like a suicide
Looking for a place to hide
Doesn't want to risk its being spied
Writer's cramp burns in my arm
Carpal Tunnel's first alarm
I don't rhyme words unto themselves
Works like that belong on shelves
Dust collects as years go by
Then an ancient scholar's careful eye
Discerns a tome of forgotten lore
Whose ancient leafs are but a door
To a love that cries out nevermore
Lovers' happy suicide
In each other's hearts survive
The tragedey is in the pride
That makes them now no more alive
and now to other buisiness, firstly, Justin I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need help, I know you help others a lot and that it can be tiring, please feel free to take any of my energy whenever you need it, I'm not sure where it all comes from, but I seem to have plenty to spare, especially recently.
Secondly, You guys have gotten me interested in "The Touched" is there any way I could get more information?
And lastly,........I forget.
As always, and especially when I share a poem, your comments are welcomed and encouraged, if you post anonymously, please sign your post so that I know who it is.
See Y'all on the flip side,
Saturday, August 21, 2004
yensil314: Halo
darkestthunder2: Heyo ^^
yensil314: glad it's the weekend?
darkestthunder2: YES! Block schedule's killing me
darkestthunder2: You? ><
yensil314: like you wouldn't believe
darkestthunder2: Heh XP
yensil314: and i don't even start classes till monday
yensil314: damn orientation stuff that doesn't answer the
imortant questions
darkestthunder2: Heh XDDD
yensil314: like: what's my phone number? or Where the
heck do I go to access my snail mail?
darkestthunder2: XDD
darkestthunder2: Heh, maybe that's in some fliers,
or something.
darkestthunder2: Gah, brb
yensil314: on the bright side, my stock of pretzels has
been repenished
darkestthunder2 is idle at 12:31:11 PM.
yensil314: id;e hands are the devils workshop: so quit
being I dle and relieve my borededness
Auto response from darkestthunder2: >> << I
am....idle...Probably because either I'm sleeping or
my dad's on. Or something. So..HA!
yensil314: gahh!!! so many typos!!!
darkestthunder2 is no longer idle at 1:49:57 PM.
yensil314: ???
darkestthunder2: OK, I'm here, I think. My mom
made me clean the car...she might call me out again
darkestthunder2: gotta go
yensil314: 'kay
yensil314: brb anyway
yensil314: hwuff
darkestthunder2: ok, I'm back ><
yensil314: huh god timing
yensil314: *good
yensil314: i just got back too
darkestthunder2: XD Fun stuff XP wb
yensil314: boxes are some of the most awsomenest
things in todo el mundo
darkestthunder2: O.o?
yensil314: OOC how much spanish do you speak?
yensil314: yup
darkestthunder2: Not much XD
darkestthunder2: Oh wait ><
darkestthunder2: *sooo confused* >___<
yensil314: I shall describe the uses to which tehy have
been put in uno momento
yensil314: *un momento
yensil314: (keep in mind that this is in my dorm room)
darkestthunder2: (*nod*)
yensil314: firstly, my internet cable doesn'treach my
desk so i've got my compy set up on my bed (w00t f0r
yensil314: so i've got a box a box set up as a sort of
desk for my computer to raise it to a cmofy working
yensil314: also it has an upopen side, and open top (it's
upsidedown) so the open side creates a little cave like
thing which makes a very convenient cubby hole
yensil314: another box is set up on a chair next to my
bed for my mouse and lamp, it too has a hole in the side,
and i'm storing my computer accessories in there
yensil314: now if oly i had a place for my printer...
darkestthunder2: Heh, wow, that sounds so neat so
far O.o *keeps reading*
yensil314: ooh, the best part is, when i want to go to
sleep, i just put every thing in its box and put it on the
floor next to meh bed
yensil314: hmmm....printer....
darkestthunder2: XDD
yensil314: XXDD my coffee machine is of course on
the window behind me
yensil314: i may scrap the desk completely and just use
my bed all year XD
darkestthunder2: XDDDDD! That'll be interesting to
sleep on.
yensil314: boxes
yensil314: it packs up easy
yensil314: hmmm...printer+shelf-books
*starts to move books to desk*
yensil314: *hopes shelf is deep enough*
yensil314: i have got to put this description in my blog,
would you mind if I posted this conversation?
darkestthunder2: XD Nah, I don't mind ^^
yensil314: yay! it fits on the shelf!!!!!
yensil314: I am a god of improvistaition
yensil314: or a saint
yensil314: or....somthing
darkestthunder2: XDDD
darkestthunder2: Something like that, yes.
I am Teh Awxome,
TGFC=Thank God For Coffee
This blog is getting boring, so I'll wrap it up:
classes start on monday (w00t) and I' having a very relaxing weekend in preparation.
ta ta fer now,
Thursday, August 19, 2004
I Wish I Were A Coconut
BTW I love Kirby, Kirby is my Jesus, well not Jesus, but at least one of the saints. St. Kirby, yeah that'll work. Best classic game boy (origional) games are Kirby or Mario, but I like Kirby best.
Now where was I? Oh yeah dorm life. Yeah it's pretty easy going, I get along fine with my roomie (so far, he hasn't seen me at higher levels of craziness yet)
Speaking of craziness how many of you have at actually seen me during a melt down?
I know John has at scout camp a long time ago, and Tom ran John Colter with me, not something he is likely to have forgotten, but other than that I'm a bit hazy on the details, this is not ordinary run of the mill hyperness, or even extreme hypernes, if you've seen it, then there should be no doubt in your mind about it's intensity.
Well that's all fo now, I shall leave you with this poem:
Random thoughts aren't hard to find
In recesses of my mind
Silent sailors swiftly slide
Wading waters waiting wide
Making sense is not much fun
Says the dreamer to the sun
So maybe tell it to your son
A child lets out a thousand sighs
The dreams play out behind my eyes
BTW how many lines, syllables, etc, are in a haiku, what's the format? help me someone. :gonk: :n
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I'm leaving on a jet plane
great song. actually i'll be going by car.
tomorrow morning i leave for North Park University in Chicago: pizza capital of the world.
I have a headset with a microphone for my computer, so I can now do live chat (sadly not video) on aim, and of course there are other uses too.
I've updated my
Silly Sayings by the way, so you should visit.
That's all for now, bye,
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Cotton Candy!!!
gotta love work. It's too bad that i'm too lazy to draw a comic because it would fit well here. Oh well.
So anyway, I worked at a baseball game today, and made 30 bucks.
I was hawking cotton candy, this involes walking around with a tray of cotton candy and yelling alot. Yelling is of course, fun.
I have a complaint: nobody commented on my poems. even negative comments are better than none (but do try to be nice). I do admit that I do demand alot of attention, but I really do want feedback.
Well, other than to say that I am having a TFOS/anime party tonight, nothing much else is happening today.
So i have nothing else to say.
have a nice life,
This first one doesn't make a whole lot of sense even to me. It just popped into my head, like a kind of waking dream, (it was late at night on the plane). If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate your comments.
As I walk down the street,
the people I meet,
Each one that I greet,
The cop on his beat,
The firm sound of feet,
All alone in the street.
The sunshine is warm,
As I reach out my arm,
There's no cause for alarm,
For I mean you no harm,
Come in, where it's warm.
A small child will cry,
A strange man pass by,
All this I spy,
With My own little eye,
I let out a sigh,
And then I,
Start to cry.
This next one is a short essay I wrote about The Story (with capital letters *shivers*)
The Power in the Story
They're just words you know, written down on a piece of paper, in a standard 9.75x7.5 inch composition notebook. There's nothing really special about them; they're only ink and paper, marks on a page. To the uninitiated, the illiterate, or someone from a foriegn country, they mean nothing, simply an odd collection of lines and shapes.
And yet, these...words, take on a life of thier own. Via thes 'marks' great stories are told. Mighty warriors fight fearsome battles. Brilliant tacticians wage terrible wars. Bold heroes undertake perilous quests. Powerful wizards cast mystical spells. Intrepid explorer's travel to far worlds, or alternate realities. Dynasties rise and fall. Leaders are born. The world is saved by an unimportant child. These are our legends, our epics, our fairy tales, our tall tales, our science fiction, our hard fiction, our histories, our stories.
Just words, and yet it is through these words that stories live. Whether told to eager young children by a wise old man, or written by an author for the masses to read, The Story holds power.
Sometimes pictures are used: in movies, live theater, comic books, or graphic novels. Sometimes no words are necessary and the picture is enough. Whether it's a mime on a street corner or a beautiful painting on a museum wall, The Story is told.
A story can be told in music also, either with the words of a song, the graceful movements of a dancer, or even the mere rythm, melody, and harmony of well crafted or rough hewn instruments. In music The Story lives.
In hardship, The Story tells of a better time; in prosperity It tells of the courage with which adversity was faced. During war we tell of peacful utopias; in peace we describe fierce battles. The Story endures good and ill alike.
Everyday we go to school, or to work, or to play. Every man's small, individual actions and reactions are amalgamated into society, into a world of actions and reactions, a world of life, a world of stories. Everything we do, every person we talk to, every word we say, every hand we shake, every breth we breathe, adds to The Story.
Transferred by words, pictures, actions, or music, through pain and sorrow, through pleasure and joy, The Story lives, not on the page or the screen, or in the sounds, but in our hearts, in our thoughts, in our minds, in our souls. It is here that the story thrives.
Well, it's not the best thing I've ever written, but I think I got my point across.
I dont think I'll tell you what thoughts prompted this one, although the general mood is fairly obvious.
Fire Dance
Missed opportunities
Untried chances
Flicker by
The fire dances
Long lost loves
And old romances
Rekindle flames
The fire dances
I hadn't known
Or understood
Until too late
And you were gone for good
Oh for the things you never knew
I never said that I love you
I must have had a thousand chances
And all the while the fire dances
The fire flickers in my soul
It quickly flares out of control
The agony I'm going through
Could it be all from losing you
I sit and wonder
While I wait
Is it all over
Am I too late
Or will there be another chance
To reignite a failed romance
The question pierces like a lance
I sit and watch the fire dance.
Only one left, this one refers to the fact that I always use rhyme and meter in my poetry hence the title, but it has philosofical ramifications as well, if you can find them.
Living In Rhyme (Obsession, Part I)
Am I living in rhyme
Is that why all the time
everything that I say
Has to rhyme in some way
All the things that I do
Some without meaning to
The things that happen each day
They all rhyme in some way
I could run, I could hide
I could defend my pride
It matters not where I stay
The rhyme won't go away
Well, that's all for now, I have an unfinished poem waiting for attention, and hopefully there will be others later.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Big Honky Clown Nose
Stay Tuned for my first poetry/writing post later tonight or tomorrow.
GTG, bye
Blank Title
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
so that was a happy. guns, knives, guns, swords, guns, more swords, armour, more guns and swords, shells (as in ammunition, not live rounds though, duh) and helmets, katanas, sabers, rapiers and epees, some broadswords, some axes, and axes+guns, many guns, rifles, blunderbusses, muskets, machine guns, pistol after pistol, a walther PPK (w00t 4 james bond), revolving rifles (like a six shooter only a rifle), and lots of cool stuff like that.
Almost as much fun as the gun section of the Buffalo Bill museaum in wyoming (which I highly recommend)
That's all for now, I'll try to post again tommorrow.
Sunday, August 1, 2004
Peru Too
Oh well, so far i'm having fun, i'll try to keep updating as long as i have internet access, which will only be for about 3 more days.
Cya fer now,