I built a desk, on my bed, out of boxes!!! and it packs up and stores away really easily, YAY!!!
yensil314: Halo
darkestthunder2: Heyo ^^
yensil314: glad it's the weekend?
darkestthunder2: YES! Block schedule's killing me
darkestthunder2: You? ><
yensil314: like you wouldn't believe
darkestthunder2: Heh XP
yensil314: and i don't even start classes till monday
yensil314: damn orientation stuff that doesn't answer the
imortant questions
darkestthunder2: Heh XDDD
yensil314: like: what's my phone number? or Where the
heck do I go to access my snail mail?
darkestthunder2: XDD
darkestthunder2: Heh, maybe that's in some fliers,
or something.
darkestthunder2: Gah, brb
yensil314: on the bright side, my stock of pretzels has
been repenished
darkestthunder2 is idle at 12:31:11 PM.
yensil314: id;e hands are the devils workshop: so quit
being I dle and relieve my borededness
Auto response from darkestthunder2: >> << I
am....idle...Probably because either I'm sleeping or
my dad's on. Or something. So..HA!
yensil314: gahh!!! so many typos!!!
darkestthunder2 is no longer idle at 1:49:57 PM.
yensil314: ???
darkestthunder2: OK, I'm here, I think. My mom
made me clean the car...she might call me out again
darkestthunder2: gotta go
yensil314: 'kay
yensil314: brb anyway
yensil314: hwuff
darkestthunder2: ok, I'm back ><
yensil314: huh god timing
yensil314: *good
yensil314: i just got back too
darkestthunder2: XD Fun stuff XP wb
yensil314: boxes are some of the most awsomenest
things in todo el mundo
darkestthunder2: O.o?
yensil314: OOC how much spanish do you speak?
yensil314: yup
darkestthunder2: Not much XD
darkestthunder2: Oh wait ><
darkestthunder2: *sooo confused* >___<
yensil314: I shall describe the uses to which tehy have
been put in uno momento
yensil314: *un momento
yensil314: (keep in mind that this is in my dorm room)
darkestthunder2: (*nod*)
yensil314: firstly, my internet cable doesn'treach my
desk so i've got my compy set up on my bed (w00t f0r
yensil314: so i've got a box a box set up as a sort of
desk for my computer to raise it to a cmofy working
yensil314: also it has an upopen side, and open top (it's
upsidedown) so the open side creates a little cave like
thing which makes a very convenient cubby hole
yensil314: another box is set up on a chair next to my
bed for my mouse and lamp, it too has a hole in the side,
and i'm storing my computer accessories in there
yensil314: now if oly i had a place for my printer...
darkestthunder2: Heh, wow, that sounds so neat so
far O.o *keeps reading*
yensil314: ooh, the best part is, when i want to go to
sleep, i just put every thing in its box and put it on the
floor next to meh bed
yensil314: hmmm....printer....
darkestthunder2: XDD
yensil314: XXDD my coffee machine is of course on
the window behind me
yensil314: i may scrap the desk completely and just use
my bed all year XD
darkestthunder2: XDDDDD! That'll be interesting to
sleep on.
yensil314: boxes
yensil314: it packs up easy
yensil314: hmmm...printer+shelf-books
*starts to move books to desk*
yensil314: *hopes shelf is deep enough*
yensil314: i have got to put this description in my blog,
would you mind if I posted this conversation?
darkestthunder2: XD Nah, I don't mind ^^
yensil314: yay! it fits on the shelf!!!!!
yensil314: I am a god of improvistaition
yensil314: or a saint
yensil314: or....somthing
darkestthunder2: XDDD
darkestthunder2: Something like that, yes.
I am Teh Awxome,