Tuesday, October 19, 2004


What happens when writer's can't write? Does the pressure build up inside until they explode?
Mentally or psycologically? Or physically! O_O ?
Maybe we could experiment...
*loooks around for a test subject*


Just kidding, truth is, I don't really have much to say, but I wanted to post.
Jazz band is starting to come together.
The concert is Nov 12, at 7:30 pm if anyone happens to be in Chicago then.
Not that it's very likely >_<
Ah well.
I still have to find out where it is.

I'm not in top writng form today, huh? More like stream of conciousness. Well, I suppose it's okay for me to ramble on occasion.

I wonder if I kept typing for an hour, if anyone would actually read the whole thing.
I'd better not try.

Okey Dokey, that's all for now,

1 comment:

Yensil blogs again! said...

Yeah, they can't come. Five hour drive on a work day.
I'm the second trombonist (blonde, only one in the band with a beard.)