Friday, February 11, 2005

Get your own box

That's what it says on the back of my Cheez-Its. And I have to say, it's tough to argue with a statement like that. Fortunately, it is my own box.
You know, I never get any good rants. Probably because I'm too lazy to do it while I'm mad, and so I put it off until I've calmed down...
Well anyway, my plans for this weekend were shattered by an attack of concsience.
I realized that my time would be better spent working on my make up assignments for last semester.
Oh well, there's other fish in the sea.


working on my sincerity said...

Mmm...cheez-its. And, it's okay. Rants usually don't turn out that good, anyway, because you'll usually end up saying something you don't mean to. Speaking from experience? Yeah, I guess so. Donno if that's how it's been for you.

Yuck, make-up work. Sorry your weekend was smashed. :( Good luck with that. ^^;

---May the spoofs guide you---

Yensil blogs again! said...

Thing is, it was more of a rant against failing technology and circumstances than people.
I doubt I would have said anything hurtful and irreversible since I was the only one at fault. ^^;