Sunday, February 20, 2005


While browsing through the General Discussion forum, of Gaia, a forum site which many of my readers are members of, although they're not very active to my knowledge, I cam across this thread. (title link, go there and read the first post before continuing here)
It deals with sexual insecurity.
One user, a friend of mine, responded with this statement: "Men are raised, and constantly hounded, in our society about any signs of homosexuality. And they vehemently protest when this occurs. Homophobia is a learned trait..."
I felt prompted to respond with the following rant...

"It's a great social injustice, as well.

I spent two seasons in my highschool's color guard.
I was teased by my friends, and abused by strangers.
I was constantly putting up with gay jokes, such as the classic "flaggot" icon_stare.gif
All this because I was on a team of 2o girls and two guys. Let me repeat that: TWENTY girls and TWO guys....that's ten chicks each....sound gay to you? icon_confused.gif

Oddlyenough (or not) the gay jokes decreased when I joined the wrestling did the wimp and nerd cracks. I guess this was because I was doing something "manly."
I joined a sport that involves, not only communal showers, but rolling around on a mat with another guy while wearing a tight spandex uniform.
Obviously this isn't gay. Certainly not as gay as standing still for long periods of time or in perfect unison with ten other people, spinning a piece of wood, or metal (drill rifles and sabers), or metal and cloth (flag) and throwing this heavy piece of equipment up into the air and catching, risking certain pain if you miss and hit get hit.
After all, it's not like they do the same kind of thing in military honor gaurds, which are a male dominated group of people., highschool color gaurd is female dominated, so it must be girly.
And obviously, if a guy does something "girly" it's gay.

Duh. "

Leave a comment,

Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, if I ever met my long lost identical twin, I would kill him immediately, because one of us is bound to be evil.


working on my sincerity said...

Woot! Well said, Yensil.

Wrestling is so odd. XD Then again, so is basically every sport. So, I don't know the point of that statement. Oh well. XD

Hopefully on AIM soon...
---May the spoofs guide you---

The Singing Butler said...

Too true.

The Singing Butler said...

Too true.