Sunday, October 23, 2005

I can't remember theTeager quote I was gonna put here. :d

But yeah...
So I spent all day downtown hangin out with the J-man and one of his friends from OSU.
They were in town for some school thingy and so I met them at their hotel and we went to chinatown where I got some chopsticks which I am now using to eat ramen and some Oolong tea which I could definitely get to like. :D
Though I probably won't. >_<
I'm hyper and random right now. :D
But I need to catch up on a bunch of webcomics.
And hey! FD stopped in at my long-dead-but-recently-resurrected blog to drop a comment! :D
Hooray for comments. :D
And to be randomelsewhere!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Slightly annoyed...

There's nothing like getting the package you know contains that final crucial component for the robot...only to open it and discover they sent the wrong damn part.
And didn't renew your funding. >:[

So yeah....I'm a little pissed. :D
Analogies, anyone?

Fuckin Ass. >_<

Okay...on the subject of robots, enjoy the comic link. :D