Monday, January 29, 2007

Que Bella Mundo

Except that since it wasn't very cloudy, and it had just snowed, I 'bout went blind driving to the library this morning.
Freakin sun.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I hear duct tape works....

I need to learn to keep my mouth shut and stop being an attention whore.
Late new year's resolution...or something.
I dunno.
Even on the internet I have a tendency to dominate the conversation. >_<>_<
So anway.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Not for any specific thing and not to any specific person.
Just, to all my friends, I'm sorry for being an idiot.
Just try to bear with me, okay? I don't wanna lose you guys.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Whelp, more snow.
But not much.
And the roads have become a lovely river of slush.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Holding tightly to a thread no longer attached to the cloth...

Alternate title: Almost took you off my facebook friendslist because I couldn't stand to see all the pictures of you with your new boyfriend, but changed my mind at the last minute because those pictures are all I have left of you.

I like snowy days.
Driving home from work, I'm too busy making sure I don't accidentally rear-end anyone or slide off the road on a turn to think about anything, but then I get inside where it's warm and....
Can't deal with my problems, so I'll just find something shiney to play with.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day...

Hooray, hooray, it's a beautiful day.
Which of course means that at nine o'clock in the morning, the sun is still just low enough to blind me on my way to the library.
Ah well.
I liked the the snow and rain.

My Personality
Openness To Experience
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. You are generally calm and composed, reacting moderately well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report

Ugg Boots, Cheap Ugg Boots and MySpace Surveys by Pulseware MySpace Layouts

Of course, if this is at all accurate (which I think it is) then I've really come a long way in the past few years.

Friday, January 19, 2007

When you asked for light I set my self on fire....

Note to self: When your candle burns down too small to use, don't try to save the extra wax by melting it in a bowl and sticking a long piece of string in and lighting it in various places. Sure it looks cool, but after a while....well, lets just say I pulled the smoke alarm out of the wall, smothered the bowl with a towl (in retrospect, I could have used a pot lid) and ended up breaking the bowl, but not burning anything down.
Could have gone worse... >.>

Thursday, January 18, 2007

...Is anybody there?

Seems like everyone's taking a vacation from the internet...
No new emails for me, no comments on my blog, no one else has updated their blog, minimal activity on the forums....I'm disappointed and bored. :(

Friday, January 12, 2007


Hemingway is morbid.
Still, how can you hate a guy astute enough to notice "One cat only leads to another."?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

When at a loss for words, take a quiz you saw on someone else's blog!

You are Riddler

Mr. Freeze
The Joker
Dark Phoenix
Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin
Riddle me that, riddle me this, who is obsessed with having a battle of wits??

Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The daystar burns us...

Well, Yesterday was a particularly beautiful day. I even appreciated the sun and clear sky, for once, as I had to be out and about for a while, and it's not an unpleasant drive down to the grocery store. Of course, I had to put sun glasses on, so as not to hurt my eyes, but hey, is that any harder than a raincoat?
Yeah, I've started answering comments like, "geez it's really coming down out there" with "Yeah, isn't it great?" and a big grin.
I think it confuses people.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I haven't done a meme in a while....

9 lasts

-last place you were: Elsewhere (with a capital "E," Not to be confused with some perfectly mundane elsewhere)

-last soda: Mandarin Jarritos. Jarritos are made of Mexico and Win.

-last beverage: Non soda beverage, I take it? That would be milk. It usually is.

-last kiss: That'd be Kathy....just about exactly a year ago....give or take a few days..... D':

-last movie seen: Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, Director's Cut. LOTR is HUEG LOL

-last cd played: Americana. (The Offspring)

-last bubble bath: This morning, actually, although I really just dumped liquid soap under the faucet...

-last time you cried: See four questions ago, add a month and fifteen days to get to the part where she called to say that she didn't think we were right for each other, but she's see me when she got back from Mexico, and she hoped we could "still be friends"

8 have you evers.

-have you ever dated someone twice: No, I have a tendency to burn my bridges behind me.

-have you ever been cheated on: I might have suspicions which I would go to a great deal of trouble not to confirm.

-have you ever kissed somebody and regreted it: No, I only regret the ones I didn't.

-have you ever fallen in love: Notice how we keep coming back to the same topic? Kathy.
Although, I suppose a strong argument could be made here for Karen. I only got over her when I met Kathy, and now, I really miss them both. Oh, and the bitterness.

-have you ever been depressed: Yeah, it even runs in my family, woohoo. I was depressed my Sophomore year in highschool, and even more so my first semester in college...over Karen, unsurprisingly. And then Kathy....but I've had plenty of time to get past that, and am now happily warm, fed, and uncomplicated.

-have you ever been drunk and thrown up: I've been drunk, but not puking drunk. And I've never had a hangover. Lucky me.

-have you ever hit another person: Hah. Yes. With improvised melee weapons, no less. ^^;

7 states you've been to:

1. Maryland (born there)
2. Virginia (lived there)
3. Ohio (live there)
4. Illinois (Went to school there)
5. Arizona, California, Oregon, Florida, Michigan (family, etc...)
6. Hawaii, that was awesome.
7. Wyoming (Yellowstone!)

6 things you've done today.

1. Paper Mario
2. Pizza, noodles, etc...
3. "Alone time"
4. Read comic books
5. Took a bath.
6. Internets.
5 favorite things
1. Being Comfy
2. Soup
3. Stories
4. Nintendo
5. Audiobooks.
4 people you can tell anything to.
1. Emma/Mouse
2. Tamara (the one between Karen and Kathy, and honestly the last person I ever expected to be comfortable talking to again)
3. Bea
4. Greth
I could come up with more, but those would be the top four.
3 things you wish you had...right now.
1. A sandwich. But I won't be able to get one till I get home. D:

2. That cologne I saw at Miejer by the name of "Pi"

3. A certain expensive goatskin vest I saw in a fancy store in Denver once upon a time. It'd look good with my shirt.
2 things you want to do before you die

1. Get that damn vest, or one like it.
2. Fall in love, and stay there.
1 thing you regret

1. Most everything having to do with Karen, or rather the way I handled everything having to do with her.