Monday, December 12, 2005

Ooh, I like this quiz!

You Should Learn Swedish

Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.

Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

I'm almost done with my first semester of Swedish. XP

Thursday, December 1, 2005

True or not?

01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions
TRUE, Who hasn't? Still, my mistakes weren't as bad as some, and I have no regrets
02. I don't watch much TV these days
TRUE, I use my TV to play games on...
03. I love psychodelic mushrooms
FALSE...umm never tried em...don't want to.
04. I love sleeping
FALSE, SLEEP IS THE DEVIL! So inefficient. :05. I have loads of books
TRUE, I love reading. :D But I have a ton less than my dad O_O
06. I once slept in a toilet
FALSE, At least...I don't think so. O_o I have fallen asleep in the shower before, though.
07. I love playing video games
08. I adore marijuana
FALSE, but it's really not as bad as it's made out to be.
09. I watch porn movies
10. I watch them with my father
FALSE....Ew... >_O
11. I like sharks
TRUE, Sharks are COOOOOL!
12. I love spiders, I think they're adorable, especially the ones with bright colours on their backs
Image hosted by
Ain't she purdy?
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair
FALSE, I am a hairy man!
14. I like G. W. Bush
TRUE, I like him as a person, but I do not support him politically. I feel kinda sorry for him though, he has a tough job, and having a split house never helps....niether to terrorists.
15. People are cool.
TRUE, Yeah, I like people, they're quite interesting.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year
TRUE, But don't worry, I'm still the smartest guy around.
17. I have a jacuzzi and a Porsche
FALSE, Ha, I wish.
18. I have a lot to learn
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself
TRUE, Frequently I carry two or three, and have been known to carry up to five in polite company.
20. I'm really really smart. Does just being smart count?
TRUE, I'm a fuckin genius, bitches.
21. I've never broken someone's bones
FALSE, Not intentionally...>.>
22. I have a secret
23. I hate snow
30. I wear glasses
TRUE, I tried and failed contacts. :31. I don't need glasses, except sunglasses
FALSE, I'm blind without em.
32. I have potential
TRUE, I'm gonna rule the world some day. :D
33. I'm pure Japanese
34. My legs are two different sizes
35. I have a twin
36. I wear a padded bra
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing
TRUE, like the other day I was talking to a friend while we were walking somewhere and then all of a sudden something wierd happened, so I had to like, do something, right? SO of course I kicked the guys ass. I mean, hey, he was asking for it! Self defense, you know? So I sez to Mabel, I sez...
38. I'm left-handed
FALSE, I wish I was. :39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them
FALSE, I wish I was a llama
40. I don't like horror movies
FALSE, They're far from my favorite, though.
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway
FALSE, I ROCK at climbing. (heh, heh, get it?)
42. People hate me usually.
FALSE, Evvybuddy lubs teh Yensil. :D
43. I love pop music
FALSE, I wouldn't say "love", but I like it. I like most music...BUT NOT RAP. I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL, And I was born Country, and this Country's what I love.
(I headbang to classical)
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight
TRUE, I hardly ever can. But hey, that's normal for college kids, right?
45. I hate parking fines
FALSE, I hate photo enforced red lights...and speeding tickets. But I've never gotten a parking violation, just moving ones. :D
46. I know national anthem of my country by heart
TRUE, I do! And I know Austria's...Cuz Edewiess is just a pretty song. :D
47. I know more than two languages
FALSE, I'm working on it, though.
48. I spend too much time on the computer
FALSE, I used to, but I've been getting out more lately.
49. I often want to throw out the computer in a window
FALSE, I am a very patient man! If I were normal, my computer would not yet live.
50. I live on a ground floor
FALSE, Not quite, but it is the first floor, and the lowest one for living in the dorm...
51. I don't like chocolate
FALSE, I just had some!
52. I'd like to be more original
53. I've lied
FALSE, but I could be lying...
54. Cocks are my favorite birds :ninja:
FALSE, Heehee, I outgrew that.
55. I want to conquer the world
TRUE, The same thing we do every night, Pinky....I won the last three games of Risk I played, too...
56. I wonder what happens when you die
FALSE, Your heart stops, and brain activity ceases. Other than that, I'll take what comes.
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter
FALSE, I need to read the latest...But it's not worth buying, and I've been lazy about borrowing it.
58. Eat your dog!
FALSE, There's not enough left to eat.
59. I love to exercise.
FALSE, I'm a lazy bastard! :D
60. I hate chemistry with a passion
FALSE, My dad would beat me if I did! :D
61. I love to write
FALSE, As Snoopy says, "Good writing is hard work"
62. I like changes
TRUE, Change is good...especially when it's RANDOM!
63. I hate going to class
FALSE, Class isn't so bad when you've got WiFi and RPG Roms...
64. I am afraid to die
FALSE, I'm ready when you are.
65. I hate dish washing
TRUE, Geeze, it's such a pain! >_<
Ugh, I accidentally deleted some lines here and lost them. >_O
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can.
TRUE! I was raised a bookworm! Even if the internet and video games distract me...^^;
78. I don't trust newspapers
FALSE, I take them with a grain of salt, though.
79. I like debating
FALSE, I like arguing There's a difference. :P
80. I live in a vagon
FALSE, I live in a dorm...
81. I clean my room once a month
FALSE, I clean my room when I move out for the summer...
82. I'm scared of american fast food
FALSE, I'll eat anything. :D
83. I have a third eye
TRUE, if you count my one eyed trouser snake...:ninja:
84. I love Mozambique
FALSE, I wouldn't know. O_O
85. I don't trust any religion.
FALSE, I trust them all! :D
86. I used to play with barbies because all the other girls were doing it
FALSE, dude...I'm a guy. I played with barbies because they were naked...
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little.
88. I like listening to wind chimes
TRUE, They preeeetty. :D
89. I'm very disorganized
TRUE, >.> <.<>_O
98. I'm very sensitive
TRUE, I kill people and then cry because they're dead and that's sad, so I listen to emo music. T_T
99. I love being "ab-normal"
FALSE, I'm normal. The world is crazy.
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue.
FALSE, They're both green last I checked. :d

By the way, Happy Holidays, guys!

Monday, November 14, 2005

What's the Calibur of your Soul?

Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park

No matter which quiz I take, nor what variation of answers I give (so long as they're honest) I always wind up classified as Mitsurugi. XP
I guess I'll just have to accept that I'm a samurai! :o
(I did get Taki once, by going for the female version of me)

Mitsurugi does seem a fairly good match for me though, at least for the side of my that is focused and balanced, and not excessively hyperactive and crazy. ^^;
In my quieter moments, I can certainly see the samurai within.... :d

Honestly though, I'm still better with a staff than any other weapon, despite concentrated attempts to master swordsmanship, and gain proficiency with other weapons.

Hmmmm, well it's probably not as good as it would've been last time, but there ya go!
Soul Caliburness...(I've been playing arcade mode on very hard) ;P

Monday, November 7, 2005

Damn, I need a scapegoat. >_<

I somehow deleted my post....T_T
And it was a good one too. T_T
And I'm too tired to curse properly...and I have no idea what caused it so I have no target for my (tootiredtobe)wrath. :*sigh*
On to working on stuff I don't want to deal with...>_<

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I can't remember theTeager quote I was gonna put here. :d

But yeah...
So I spent all day downtown hangin out with the J-man and one of his friends from OSU.
They were in town for some school thingy and so I met them at their hotel and we went to chinatown where I got some chopsticks which I am now using to eat ramen and some Oolong tea which I could definitely get to like. :D
Though I probably won't. >_<
I'm hyper and random right now. :D
But I need to catch up on a bunch of webcomics.
And hey! FD stopped in at my long-dead-but-recently-resurrected blog to drop a comment! :D
Hooray for comments. :D
And to be randomelsewhere!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Slightly annoyed...

There's nothing like getting the package you know contains that final crucial component for the robot...only to open it and discover they sent the wrong damn part.
And didn't renew your funding. >:[

So yeah....I'm a little pissed. :D
Analogies, anyone?

Fuckin Ass. >_<

Okay...on the subject of robots, enjoy the comic link. :D

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Pepperoni Pizza

Robust and dominant.
When you go for something, you go full force.
You tend to take control of situations easily.
And in return, you get a ton of respect.

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

New Zelda! XDDDDD!

This entry is mirrored.

Mood: Quixotic O_o
Music: The Killers (they rock my pants off)
Current Celebrity Fixation: Link!

So I'm out getting school supplies, and one of the things I need is a GameCube memory card. (Yes, "school supplies") >.> <.<
So anyway, I've got my memory card and I'm headed out the door, when I see a preview on the Demo GameCube's tv screen.
Distracted, I begin to watch, and soon realize that it's a preview for the new Zelda which was supposed to come out this fall. (It got pushed back, but if they can make it better, it's worth the wait)
As the ad ends I realize that my mouth is hanging open.
And has been.
For at least a minute. ^^;
After a few more seconds I managed to collect my wits enough to close it.
And proceeded to watch the trailer two more times before I was able to leave the shop.
Needless to say, I can hardly wait.
Please hurry Nintendo people! :D!

Tomorrow morning I leave to go back to school, the car's all packed an everything.
I can't wait. >______<

A Last Hurrah

I've moved. :(
I can now be found at my deviant art site.
So if anyone actually still reads this, go there.

Y'know, maybe I'll set up an audio blog here, and do that from time to time.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Results 1 - 4 of 4 for "God is pizza".

I'm not sure what kind of philosophical rammifications this has. O_O
It's kinda scary, though...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I'm not talking to myself so much as I'm breaking the fourth wall...

Really feels like I am sometimes, though.
Talking to myself, that is.
The lack of comments doesn't help. :|
Anyway, here's a poem. (As yet, untitled)

It starts with joy, and ends in sorrow,
Waiting not; still there tomorrow.
Clasped in joyous ecstasy,
For a time all problems cease to be.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot.....

And days of auld lang syne.
One year.
My first post on this blog was one year ago.
Here's to a year of fun and happiness, trail and sorrow, love and loss, pain and hope.
Thanks for all your love and support and of course, your comments. :D
Let us raise our coffee mugs (mine has hot chocolate) in salute to the past year, and in hopes of another fine year to come!

And if anyone would like a trip down memory lane, here's a link to my FIRST POST EVER! here on blogger. n____n

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

(I didn't write that one. ;P )
Yensil <3

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A Haiku

The sun, red flower,
With brilliant crimson rays
Sets fire to the land.

That's all for now.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Don't worry, it's an inside joke.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Chapter six: In which an amusing conversation takes place and a castle is built.

yensil314: Are you calling me a pedophile net stalker!? >:o
darkestthunder2: MmyesNO!
darkestthunder2: No.
darkestthunder2: XD
yensil314: That's going on my blog.

I love my job(s)
It's not very mind consuming, and therefore leaves me with quite a bit of time to think and ponder the mysteries of the universe...I will find a new way to occupy my brain soon thinking is a bad thing and could threaten the universe...
So anyway, I'm building another castle out of legos...I rather like the way this one is turning out so far.
Maybe I'll post a pic when I'm done.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Not really.

I was in an odd mood.
I guess I should be less impulsive.
I guess that wasn't very funny. >_O

In other news, you ever notice how Pro-Lifers stop caring about you once you're born?

Saturday, May 7, 2005


I died, so I won't be able to update anymore. :(

Friday, May 6, 2005

Going home, I am!

After I take my last test and finish packing, I will be on my way home. :D
Whish me a safe journey, and I hope to see you all soon!

Tommu, give me concert times. ;P

Everyone's favorite monkey,

(PS, gimme lotsa comments)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I guess working with retards is the perfect precursor to hanging out with me.

So, I seriously lost track of time thursday night...
To the point that I orgot to sleep.

Here I am happily chatting with people from all around the world, and the next thing I know it's 6 o'clock in the f*cking morning, and I've got to go to work in two hours.
So, I just chatted for another hour, went to breakfast, and bought a red bull which I didn't drink till about ten.
And tried to stay awake at work, then went to study for my anaotomy lab exam, fell asleep, woke up twnety minutes later, studied some more, went back to work, drank the red bull...
Worked till I was hungry, went to lunch, had some coffee, and talked to my friends.
Went to chemistry, and by this time I was so wired, I couldn't sit still, much less fall asleep, and I think it's the most I've ever paid attention in that class...ever.
So anyway, after chem, I hung out with a friend, then made coffee, and went to the library where coffee (and other drinks/food) is prohibited, but I just hid it. >_O
Got online for a while, then I went to see the school's orchestra concert, and I was so jittery I was practically dancing in my seat.
Then me and my friend walked about a mile down to the grocery store, and got there around the same time as the bus did, so I saved myself $1.75 and lost no time.
So, at the store, I got some popcorn, a six pack of root beer, and some frozen pizza.
I shoulda gotten the twelve pack of vanilla coke, instead of the pizza, but oh well, it'll save me money on dinner on nights that I don't feel like cafeteria food.
I got four little ones, and they're in a friends freezer cause I don't have one.
So...we stopped at blockbuster and got Elektra, and I personally thought it was pretty good. (better than Daredevil)
And then we went back to his apartment, dropped off his food, and my freezables, and then went back to my dorm room to watch the movie.
And I went to bed at one o'clock am after 40 hours of conciousness. :D

Yep, I'm crazy,

Thursday, April 7, 2005

At first, this had nothing to do with peanutbutter...and NOW there's a POTATO involved?!?!?

It made perfect sense at the time.
So, I stepped outside yesterday afternoon and my first thought was "My GOD they're like ANTS!" Image hosted by
The green space, and all other available patches of lawn, were alive with swarms of....COLLEGE STUDENTS! Many people were outside enjoying some of the first warm weather of the year. I had a strange urge to pull out a gigantic magnifying glass and roast them all. >_O
But alas it was cloudy...
My next instinct was to retreat to the safety of my room, but I quelled it and bravely ventured forth into the massive throng. On my way to my destination (band practice) I met a friend, we joined forces and set out on a quest to slay the evil dragon and rescue the princess!
...Okay, so maybe we just had a brief conversation before going our separate ways...Image hosted by

I'd've updated sooner...but I was waiting for people to comment. =P

Monday, March 28, 2005

A quick little update!

There was a bunny shaped bottle of M&Ms in my mail today. :D

Thank you mommyyyyyy!!! (and anyone else who was involved) <3

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter, everyone! And now for some nostalgic reminiscing!

So anyway, it's 5 am on easter Sunday, and I've come to the sad conclusion that I am unlikely to get any chocolate this year. :It'd be really nice if I checked my mail later this week and found a chocolate bunny and a bunch of M&Ms in an old Hershey syrup container (the bottle is bunny shaped and brown)
I remember how every morning on Easter sunday I'd wake up and find the afore mentioned Hershey bottle at the foot of my bed, filled with M&Ms.
That was one of the really cool traditions my parents had.
After church, me and my brother and sister would hunt for eggs and our chocolate bunnies (we got one each)
In addition to the hard boiled eggs which we helped to color the week before, we'd also find plastic eggs filled with such goodies as Hershey Kisses, chocolate eggs, and other sorts of candy.
But the best thing about Easter was spending time with my family. I had alot of fun trying to find my dad's cleverly hidden eggs.

It seems really wierd to have Easter in March,

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yay! I found it!

This poem was nearly lost to the world when my laptop died. >_<
Fortunatey I had posted it on a forum I frequent and was able to find it after a bit of digging. >_<

How many lines of rhyme will issue from my breast?
Before at last my earthly form is laid to rest?
How many root beers consumed, and lovers lost?
To fuel the fires of passion and give them voice, what cost?
And when shall poems be written?
Be it early morn or late at night?
Or when the sun is shining bright?
And when shall I be smitten?
With inspiration
For syncopation
And is it worth it in the end?
All the broken hearts which never mend
The moods which rip and tear and rend
And force me to my keyboard to write
Until it finally turns out right.
And then, what joy, what happiness, it's done!
And time to write another one...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I has a jorb! :3

Finally. >_<
I just thought I'd let everyone know. :3

Six and a half inches.....what do YOU think I'm talking about?

Okay, I'm changing the date to put this one at the top, cause I'm not done with it...>__<

Monday, March 14, 2005

Special announcement! today's my 19th birthday...
It's also national Pi day, as celebrated by math teachers everywhere!
Buh bye!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Not So Mellow

You're Gabi. Simplistic, excitable, and with the
memory span of a rotting stump, you tend to be
disgustingly cheereful but notoriously bad at
keeping decisions, promises, or just about
anything that isn't attatched.

Which Not So Mellow Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yep, I'd say that's fairly accurate.
Visit Not So Mellow here

Friday, February 25, 2005

It's a chain blog thing....>.>

1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your livejournal(blog, whatever) and see what I say about you?

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Hoshitz, Imma gurl.

Jazz Band concert this saturday! (26th) at 7:30 pm!
For my local readers...come if you can! =D

And now, for your, and my own, amusement....

Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Well, I did know I was a bit on the feminine side. *shrug*
I have no complaints.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


While browsing through the General Discussion forum, of Gaia, a forum site which many of my readers are members of, although they're not very active to my knowledge, I cam across this thread. (title link, go there and read the first post before continuing here)
It deals with sexual insecurity.
One user, a friend of mine, responded with this statement: "Men are raised, and constantly hounded, in our society about any signs of homosexuality. And they vehemently protest when this occurs. Homophobia is a learned trait..."
I felt prompted to respond with the following rant...

"It's a great social injustice, as well.

I spent two seasons in my highschool's color guard.
I was teased by my friends, and abused by strangers.
I was constantly putting up with gay jokes, such as the classic "flaggot" icon_stare.gif
All this because I was on a team of 2o girls and two guys. Let me repeat that: TWENTY girls and TWO guys....that's ten chicks each....sound gay to you? icon_confused.gif

Oddlyenough (or not) the gay jokes decreased when I joined the wrestling did the wimp and nerd cracks. I guess this was because I was doing something "manly."
I joined a sport that involves, not only communal showers, but rolling around on a mat with another guy while wearing a tight spandex uniform.
Obviously this isn't gay. Certainly not as gay as standing still for long periods of time or in perfect unison with ten other people, spinning a piece of wood, or metal (drill rifles and sabers), or metal and cloth (flag) and throwing this heavy piece of equipment up into the air and catching, risking certain pain if you miss and hit get hit.
After all, it's not like they do the same kind of thing in military honor gaurds, which are a male dominated group of people., highschool color gaurd is female dominated, so it must be girly.
And obviously, if a guy does something "girly" it's gay.

Duh. "

Leave a comment,

Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, if I ever met my long lost identical twin, I would kill him immediately, because one of us is bound to be evil.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Uh oh.

You know it's not good when you hear noises behind you, and you know that the only thing in that part of the room is your trashcan.....

So what do you do? Do you run away? Do you turn around to see what caused the noise? Maybe you automatically reach for a weapon? Or maybe, just maybe, you realize that it's past time you cleaned your room......

Well, that incedent helped to spice up an otherwise boring monday.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Get your own box

That's what it says on the back of my Cheez-Its. And I have to say, it's tough to argue with a statement like that. Fortunately, it is my own box.
You know, I never get any good rants. Probably because I'm too lazy to do it while I'm mad, and so I put it off until I've calmed down...
Well anyway, my plans for this weekend were shattered by an attack of concsience.
I realized that my time would be better spent working on my make up assignments for last semester.
Oh well, there's other fish in the sea.

Monday, February 7, 2005

But there's still some water in the bucket.

Well, I went looking for inspiration.
I read through comments on all of my old posts.
And I read a few of the posts themselves.
I selected six posts that I feel are worth revisiting.
I'm going to list and discuss them in order from oldest to newest.
I suggest you follow the links and read them, and even post comments on them, since I'll be keeping my eyes open...
So, first...

The Insomniac Kitty
Well, I'm sure all of you oldbies remember this, and I hope you newer readers will take a look.
In fact, this is the reason for my second AIM SN.

Love at first sight?
Some of you may notice that I changed the name of this poem.
I figure that those of you who know her know enough to keep your mouths shut about it.
Anyway, I'm over it. I just wanted to revisit this.
And thanks for that comment Tamara.
I was quite surprised to see it, but I knew right away who it was.

*sigh* I was so depressed when I wrote this.
Well, I was.
Go read it.
Leave a one did at the time.

Where would we be without a little bit of patriotism?
I wrote this shortly after 9/11 this past year.
Have we forgotten the tragedy so soon?
It seemed no different from any other day, this time...

You gotta look to see.

I still can't see them.
Which is too bad because they would have been a good source of inspiration.
Better than my emo music.

Rejected in the Rain
This poem is still hanging on my wall next to the one I wrote about Karen, which I discussed earlier in this post...shame on you if you didn't follow the link to read it.
This one is kinda wierd, isn't it?

Oh yeah, I should post a link to my Deviant Art site so you guys can see some of the stuff I do besides poetry, although that is still my strongest form of expression.
It's here.
And now I'm going to go look for some poetic inspiration some more.
Suggestions are still needed. (see previous post)

The well's run dry.

Hmm, I need to update, but I don't really have much to say.
And I haven't written much poetry lately.
I feel like I'm out of ideas.
Perhaps I should go on a quest for inspiration?
But where and when and how? u_u
This bears pondering.
Andy suggestions?

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Eighteen Years.

Counting to now

One is a lonely number, so it's said
Two fit together, and thus they are wed
Three form a chord and sing harmony
Four are the points of a compass at sea
Five are a nickel, and five more, a dime
Six are the lines I've just written in rhyme
Seven is lucky, good fortune befall
Eight isn't anything special at all
Nine is uneven, and by one is short
Ten is a base, of the numeral sort.
Eleven repeats itself, again and again
Twelve is a dozen, and hours for Big Ben
Thirteen is a number that doesn't bode well
Fourteen is another with nothing to tell
Fifteen is merely three times five
Sixteen is when you learn to drive
Seventeen makes no demands
Eighteen is when a boy becomes man

Well, I'm eighteen, nineteen in a month and a half.
This poem has eighteen lines, mainly because I felt it was dragging and was out of ideas, though.
Personally I don't think it's one of my best, but it desrves to be seen.
I've been hiding this away in hopes of improving it, but I think this is as good as it's gonna get.
I has a nice little rhyme and cadence to it, but no deeper meaning. :|
Lemme know your thoughts.
Changed my signoff name.
The flying monkey may return, but right now, this is how I feel.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The world needs more courage.

Courage to fear.
Courage to hope.
Courage to hurt.
Courage to cope.
Courage to laugh.
Courage to cry.
Courage to live.
Courage to die.
Courage to love.
Courage to hate.
Courage to leave.
Courage to wait.
Courage to jump.
Courage to fall.
Courage to run.
Courage to crawl.
Courage to go.
Courage to stay.
Courage to work.
Courage to play.
Courage to fail.
Courage to try.
Courage to wish.
Courage to fly.
Courage to fight.
Courage to talk.
Courage to stand.
Courage to walk.
Courage to win.
Courage to lose.
Courage to dream.
Courage to use.

The popular thing right now seems to be to hate those who hate.
But it's my opinion that hate is a viable, and unfortunately necessary emotion.
To be human is to be imperfect.
But hate has this in common with love: to hate something enough to fight against it takes just as much courage as it does to love something enough to defend it.
Every single thing you do takes courage.
Every time you take a breath you risk inhaling poison.
Everytime you go outside, you risk exposure.
There's so much in this worl to be afraid of.
Maybe...maybe if we all just had a little more courage, the world wouldn't be such a scary place?
We'd still have problems, sure.
But maybe we'd have a better chance of dealing with them.
Hate is often a result of fear.
Fear of things that are different.
But no matter how much you hate something, it takes courage to fight against it.
It even takes courage to be afraid.
Fear is frightening and therefore we avoid it.
But you have to face fear, and accept it in all of it's horrible power before you can overcome it.

Have courage,

Monday, January 24, 2005

Yeah, I have no idea what's happening.

My brain is still asleep right now.
And, yeah, I had a kinda wierd morning.
I need to move the phone closer to my bed....
So anyway, what to talk about?
Well, we got about 15 inches of snow, which is more than I've ever seen in my life (excluding the ski trip to colorado).
And I've made some new friends, although it's more of multiplayer video game kinda relationship.
Yep, lots and lots of Halo 2.
So anyway, that's just about it for now.
There's more I want to talk about, but I should probably wait until my brain turns on.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Give it another go.

When I woke up this morning, I did not expect to spend my evening pondering the meaning of trust and comparing life to video games.
And yet, it happened.
So, yeah, life is unpredictable like that.

So far my second semster has been going well.
I think I'm gonna enjoy my classes. ^-^
And of course, I'm gonna work hard.
My goal is to get straight A's this semester.
I figure, if I aim high, I can't hit the ground, even if I do miss the target.
Erm...yeah, I guess that's all for now.

Can't keep me down,
I'm on the rebound.
Not gonna fail.
Now I'm gonna sail.
Gonna sail into the clear blue sky.


Monday, January 10, 2005

Back in action once again!

Well, to celebrate my return to school, I thought I'd give you all a poem.
I've been meaning to post it for a while, now.


You always need a sheet of paper
Right after one is torn,
And your socks are always stinky
The day after they are worn.

Your stars are only lucky
When they're falling from the sky,
And if you ever say hello,
Then you have to say goodbye.

And an essay can't be written,
If you haven't read the books,
And a fish cannot be caught,
If you didn't bait the hooks.

And you cannot know a person,
Until you know eachother's names.
And a sword is only tempered,
When it passes through the flames.

And if something isn't broken,
Then it cannot be repaired.
And if you were once hated,
Then at least, somebody cared.

And if nothing has gone wrong,
Then it cannot be set right.
And sometimes you can lose,
Just by choosing not to fight.

Well, as some of you know, I had some difficulty last semester.
Over break I did some counseling to help me deal with my problems.
We worked out various ways I can try to get myself to work.
...I'd better go get started. ^-^

Monday, January 3, 2005

I forgot someone.

Freque Danzer: Thank you for always being willing to offer advice.

Okay, now go back and read the post before this. =P

Saturday, January 1, 2005

It's been a long road...but I've got faith of the heart.

On a scale of one to sappy, this post is up there.
Just to warn you.

I Miss You by Blink 182

"The unsuspecting victim
Of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me"

You grew up a lot in 2004. And it was mostly a very good thing.

That's very true.
I've grown up a lot.
I'd have to say that my senior year of high school was one of the most infuential and most fun times in my life.
I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I want to thank all the people who made that senior year the best I've ever had.
Therefore, I shall make a list.
Very sorry if I forget anyone.

Thank you all.
Thank you Karen, for dancing with me at homecoming, and for putting up with my childhood crush.
Thank you Anza for talking to me at lunch, even when I was being antisocial.
Thank you Seth for being my friend ever since I moved to Middletown.
Thank you Patrick, Derron, and Armond for inspiring me to excel in music.
Thank you to all my teachers for giving me the gift of knowledge.
Thank you Adam for helping me to rediscover my inner nerd.
Thank you Mike for showing me that nerds can be cool.
Thank you Justin for being someone who I could know, and yet never understand.
Thank you Tom for being the straight man for my zany humor.
Thank you Andy for making me feel like more than just a skinny runt.
Thank you Kristen for being the best little sister anyone could ever have.
Thank you Niels for being stronger than me and fueling my competitive nature.
Thank you Dave and Brian for being my first friends in college.
Thank you Katelyn for always understanding.
Thank you Valerie for....whatever it is you do.
Thank you Billy for teaching me that life is funny.
Thank you Clarky for being a Joker.
Thank you Rob for being there since the beggining.
Thank you John for Redwall.
Thank you mom and dad for raising me and making me into what I am today.
Thank you Bea for motivating me and forcing me to do my school work.
Thank you Julesy for feeding me, and being someone I can always talk to.
Thank you Megan for showing me that people who are worse off than me can still be happy.
Thank you Ralina (since you hate your real name) for keeping me from getting bored.
Thank you Emma for being someone I can be a role model for.
Thank you Chris for getting me back into D&D.
Thank you everyone from GBP for accepting me and putting up with me.
And lastly...well, shucks, I'm out of people to thank.
So, thank you to anyone I missed, I still love ya, even if I don't always remember.

Well, that's enough sappiness to last the whole year, I think.
I'm going to watch the sunrise.
I think that the new year begins with the new day, and I want to be awake to see it arrive.
My New Year's Resolution: To prove to myself that I am cabable of motivating myself to do what I have to do.
And of course, to totally kick ass in general!

I'm sitting on top of the world.
And feel like nothing can drag me down.
From here, my flag is unfurled.
And up here I can wear a crown.
No one can touch me, no one can see me.
It's just me alone, with the the sky as my throne.
And the clouds rolling by, as I sit here, with I.

Happy New Year,