Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Chapter six: In which an amusing conversation takes place and a castle is built.

yensil314: Are you calling me a pedophile net stalker!? >:o
darkestthunder2: MmyesNO!
darkestthunder2: No.
darkestthunder2: XD
yensil314: That's going on my blog.

I love my job(s)
It's not very mind consuming, and therefore leaves me with quite a bit of time to think and ponder the mysteries of the universe...I will find a new way to occupy my brain soon enough...me thinking is a bad thing and could threaten the universe...
So anyway, I'm building another castle out of legos...I rather like the way this one is turning out so far.
Maybe I'll post a pic when I'm done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it going to be a HUGE castle? :O! I don't have enough attention span to do that. >_<

The mysteries of the universe are very mysterious indeed. Good luck with those. XD

*insane cackle* Fame and fortune...bwaha.

---May the spoofs guide you---