Friday, June 25, 2004

The Insomniac Kitty

I went to bed at 2 last night and still couldn't sleep.
so I came up with: Rules for Insomniac Kitties:
Rule 1. You must own at least one kitty.
Rule 2. You must be an insomniac (i.e. it is past 12:00AM local time and you aren't asleep)
Rule 3. You must have a name or nickname, no anonymous kitties.
To become an insomniac Kitty:
Step 1. Get a cat if you do not already have one, if you do, feel free to get another.
Step 2. Stay up past midnight.
Step 3. Add your name or nickname to the front of the phrase theinsomniackitty
example: yensiltheinsomniackitty
Step 4. whenever you IM someone at this late hour, Tell them that you are
(your name)theinsomniackitty
Step 5. Have fun!

Update: It has been brought to my attention that some people who really want kitties are unable to have them (apartment rules, allergy in the family, ect...). If this is the case for you, and if you have a tail (or reasonable facsimile thereof) then I would be willing to make an exception. Welcome to the ranks of theinsomniackitty.

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