Friday, June 25, 2004

I Broke AIM!

here is teh unedited, uncensored conversation in which I broke AIM, and Justin (greth) too. Whoops...
well here ya go. It's long but it's funny too so stick with it:

yensil314: hiyee
Sulin Donodel: moo
Sulin Donodel: alsdkjlghaknciadngad
yensil314: yeess...
yensil314: ic
Sulin Donodel: kljasd
yensil314: wtfm
yensil314: dklfjerj
yensil314: vnjkldfnv opnjlsdn
yensil314: ssdfhvjodhfjkpszcvh'
yensil314: fsdgyvuio;ashf;hj
yensil314: sdfhvfh
yensil314: dgvji ncd
yensil314: ;dhjiofnhjkldhsajkfh
yensil314: sdfhdhoaurohhjsd'
yensil314: afusdhfsdJUrhjiejklfnhd
Sulin Donodel: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.

yensil314: tee hee, i'm too fast, oops
Sulin Donodel: heh
yensil314: lmao
Sulin Donodel: you broke aim didn't you?
yensil314: i break everything, go figure
Sulin Donodel: heh
yensil314: look it what i sent justin
yensil314: lololololololololololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololololololo...
yensil314: he's not answering so i think maybe i broke him too
Sulin Donodel: lol
yensil314: And
yensil314: I
yensil314: Jumps
Sulin Donodel: i think i broke him too
yensil314: i think he's rather fragile
yensil314: maybe we should be more carfual
yensil314: *careful
yensil314: but first we must fix him
Sulin Donodel: why?
yensil314: hmm...
yensil314: because we broke him
Sulin Donodel: so?
yensil314: and we can make some improvements too
Sulin Donodel: but i don't want to make him better faster stronger
yensil314: that's not what i had in mind
Sulin Donodel: oh
Sulin Donodel: thats kinky
yensil314: get cho brain out da trash
yensil314: that'
yensil314: s
yensil314: not what i meant either
Sulin Donodel: what trash?
Sulin Donodel: ooo its the gay pimp!
yensil314: hey quit i might want too post this
yensil314: thbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt
Sulin Donodel: lol
yensil314: istillthinkweshouldfixhim
Sulin Donodel: i'm not being completely perverted
Sulin Donodel: there actually is "the gay pimp" on comedy central on right now
yensil314: nyah, nyah, you can't catch me
Sulin Donodel: yes i can
yensil314: how?
Sulin Donodel: your mom
yensil314: she can't cath me (come on, really)
Sulin Donodel: yes she can
yensil314: well, then again
yensil314: ...
yensil314: uh oh
yensil314: I'm going to publishe this conversation now
Sulin Donodel: hehehe
yensil314: and then I must leave.
Sulin Donodel: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
yensil314: i have to get up early to morrow.
yensil314: I hope this fits
Sulin Donodel: aww


Greth said...

Oh god.

Yensil blogs again! said...

WTFM actually stands for somthing, if you don't know what then you should watch The End Of The World, Part Two, if you can find it, I don't know where it is, I lost it, good luck. You should know most of it already, unless your unconscionably naive. Alright, M stand fo Mate. As in WTF Mate, you know the rest. The rest of it is just babble, real words and acronyms included. Enjoy.