Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Didn't like the questions, but I liked the answer...

But it's still statistically irrevlevant.

What color is your soul painted?


Your soul is painted the color yellow, which embodies the characteristics of joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, gold, hope, liberalism, sociability, friendship, death, courage, intellect, confidence, communication, travel, movement, attraction, persuasion, and charm. Yellow is the color of the element Air, and symbolizes the sun, grain, and the power of thought.

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Why does no one seem to realize that air is the moody bipolar element?
No, it's all butterflies and sunshine, never mind the thunderstorms and cloudly days.


Anonymous said...

I like your answer, too.

Air: High of '75 by Relient k?


working on my sincerity said...

Yellow cat, man. Yellow cat.

I was always a little disappointed in that perception of air, too. :/