Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults),

and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)."

Hooray for xkcd.
Boo for limited title length.

In other news, I got my transfer, also I'm now working in grocery, also a ten cent raise.
I'm back to being part time, but I'll still get close to forty hours a week.
It just means that my hours can get cut more easily than if I were full time.
Still, not 28x2 miles per day is a good thing.


Anonymous said...

haha, i loooove xkcd :D true that about the liberal arts majors, i'm not always able to decipher their math strips :P and huzzah for transfers and 10-cent raises!!!! :D :D

working on my sincerity said...

w00t that the transfer went well! ^^ Also w00t for XKCD. 8D

Anonymous said...

I'm quite glad to hear your journey to work will be much shorter. Good luck in the new department. Keep an eye out killer tomatoes and any other homicidal produce.

Also, congratulations for finding out there is a limit to blog title length. I can't recall myself accomplishing that feat. *applauds*