Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ouch. >-<

A little before 4:00 am on wednesday morning, my foot got caught under a cart I was pulling, causing me to fall and sprain it rather badly. The good news is, Meijer is paying for the doctor visit. The bad news is that after spending several hours in urgent care, and then returning to meijer to drop off my workman's comp. paperwork and doctor's note (yay for not having to do any hard work for a while), I didn't get home till after noon. -_-
The good news is that Transformers finally came out on DVD, so I was able to pick up a special edition two disc set before I (finally) went home.

So, I was on crutches last night, but now I can manage to get around pretty well with just one crutch, so hopefully by the next time I work (friday night) I'll be able to walk unassisted, if with a limp.
I have to go back to the doctor friday morning, so we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


May your injuries heal expeditiously!

Yay workman's comp!

Hooray transformers! Jan's copy is being shipped so I may get to see it, finally!