Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh yeah....

My computer works again.
I bought a new (and improved) power supply7 for $100 and installed it myself with a screwdriver.
So, I get everything plugged back in, boot up and rejoin the internet.
One of my first priorities was to check my financial status.
So I log into online banking, and confirm that I am, indeed, quite poor.
And then I look at my credit card.
$140 outstanding balance.
Apparently two checks were cashed that I couldn't quite afford and overdraft protection (which I am thankful for) charged the balance to my credit card.
Now this really isn't all that big of a deal, since I should have no problem paying it off.
Except that I just spent $100 on a new power supply.... >_<
Well, at least I have enough food to last for a while.

1 comment:

Lauren Sparks said...

oh dear... i hope your next paycheck is a good one, dear!