Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On the nature of being and God:

"So, when we die, we become a part of God?"
"No, when we live, we are a part of God.
When we die, we become God.
God is everything.
God is nothing."

The illusion of time is created because we cannot see the whole of it.
All that we perceive as a fluid progression of time is, in fact, a single Moment.
In this Moment, the universe is created and destroyed, destroyed and created.
All which occurs, occurs in this Moment.
Because of our mortal boundaries, we cannot perceive this moment as a whole, else it would drive us insane, being infinite.
Therefore we perceive the whole, not all at once, but in small pieces. Such pieces create the illusions of time, space, and possibility.
All things that are in time, are now.
All things that are in space, are here.
All things that are possible, are.

A useful thing to know is which gasoline company has your bank's ATMs.

The hound dictates the speed of the chase, but the direction is left to the hare.

1 comment:

working on my sincerity said...

Infinity, a moment, it's all in perception. Is it relevant at all? Who can say.

Pffshaw, who needs gas? Besides everyone, that is.