Thursday, November 18, 2004

Am I supposed to say something here?

You may have to highlight the table to read the results. Sorry bout that. I'm too lazy to fix it myself.
Hope everyone likes the new template.

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh

Your name is

Your sex is

Your favorite color is

You are stuck there because

you can't die

For _____ years



Jennifer Aniston. Click for pic.

He/She will think you are


You will

repopulate the earth

Quiz created with MemeGen!

I get to repopulate the Earth with Jennifer Aniston! O_O

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that quiz with y'all and let ya know that I'll be finishing up an essay tonight.
With another in sight for tomorrow, and even more after that.

I'm gonna have a FUUUUUUN Thanksgiving Break. (I'll spend at least half of it typing)
Buh bye,

1 comment:

working on my sincerity said...

You're going to repopulate the world with Jennifer Aniston?!

Oh no. XO
