Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Curious George, The Curious Little Monkey

Last night was a rough one.
I had difficulty sleeping thanks to the election. It's very stressful when your home state holds the key to victory for either party.
I finally forced myself to go to bed at 4 am, but it was after 5 before I finally fell asleep.
And so my day started at seven, less than two hours later.
On my way back from the shower, at 7:20, I looked out the window at the end of the hall. A red tailed hawk was perched in a tree just outside eating what I think was a mouse, although it could have been a small bird.
When I left at 7:30, it was preening itself. (I think it was female, but I'm not sure, need to check my bird book)
As I walked down to thegas station for some Red Bull, I turned to get a better look at the hawk. That was when it swooped down in front of me and flew across the street and away.
It seemed portentious at the time, not sure what of though.
Later, as I sat down for breakfast, I saw a male and a female duck (species unknown to me, again, I need to check the bird book) feeding in the North Branch (of the Chicago River) just outside the window.
Nature at it's best, eh? (Pardon my Canadian. XP)
So...All eyes are on Ohio. Still counting absentee ballots. Hey! One of those is mine Y'know!
So, yesterday I spilled some assorted chemicals on my self in lab. How graceful of me. Including (but not limited to): 6M HCl (fairly concentrated), NaOH ( a base), and some stinky NH3 (ammonia). So, I got some baking soda thrown on me, then went back to my room to change and wash clothes.
I still managed to finish the the lab 30 minutes early, but I stayed to help a friend clean up. Afterwards I went to the library with her and some of her friends wo 'work' on an extra credit assignment for biology. This invovled more talking and less working. *rolls eyes* Girls. *shrug*
So anyway, we all went to Subway afterwards which was fun.
It was especially nice because I actually talked to her (hencforth known as 'C') the whole time. As opposed to previous experiences with other people where they have talked and I have cowered silently over my food with nothing to say. She had to go home after that (Commuter student) but...Yeah, I had a great day.<(
(>^^)> <(^-^)> <(^^<)
It's gonna take a while for Ohio to count my ballot, but Curious George, you haven't won yet.

Update: Kerry has conceded. George Bush Gets another four years. T_T Y_Y :'(
At least we get to hear four more years of Bushisms. Great comedy there. :') (smiles through the tears)

Update: I couldn't Identify the ducks, but I'm pretty sure the Redtail hawk was indeed female. That's just judging from size though, so it's a tough call.

For further updates see comments.


Yensil blogs again! said...

Kerry has ultimately proved that he is a flip flopper. Despite his overnight promise to "Make every vote count"
He in the end, conceded the victory to Georg Bush.

Yensil blogs again! said...

There is no honor inn defeat. Dignity is an illusion created by those who are to weak to fight to the finish.

Yensil blogs again! said...

For some reason I wanted the election to stretch out into the bitter end.