Monday, July 26, 2004

West Side Story For the Last Time

Well our matinee preformance today(yesterday, ahh the insomnia), was probably our best preformance as a group, the audience sucked though, typical sunday afternoon crowd, (did you notice i'm writing in commas), personally I had a bad show (that always seems to happen on the best overall show,  I wonder if there's a correlation), but it doesn't really matter because the cast party totally kicked total ass, (and i finally got to see Krupke preformed(is always to look at music), I need to make sure i get a copy of the video, and I can't wait till next year, (they always need trombones), oh and I mean too write a parody/satirical sequel for the play, but it will prolly be Justin who actually does all the work (for one acts next winter), I will definately help though, as it was my idea to begin with (although since i'll probably never actually do it, i don't mind if he does, as long as he lets me help and shares credit), (if you're reading this Justin, hint, hint), anywho that's all 4 now Xcept that i'm going over to Adam's 2morrow, going to see Anchorman w/ me bro on tuesday, going to Kings Island w/ tommu on wednesday, packing on thursday, and leaving for peru (missions trip) on friday, that's all so good bye. (gasp! a period!)

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