Friday, July 30, 2004


Well I'm going on a missions trip to Peru, we will be helping to build a schoolhouse.
Hopefully all the work will help me get back into shape after a long lazy summer.
We are also going to spend a few days in Lima for sightseeing.
I'm still struggling with my spirituality still. It's a faith thing, I really need something to hold on to, and I can't accept atheism and have rejected christianity, so I guess I'm temporarily agnostic.
But I'm at a point where I'm pretty much grasping of whatever I can get a hold of. Either that or I try to distract myself from the topic (not hard since I'm ADHD).
Nevertheless, I need help. I just don't know what to thik anymore.
well I guess that's all for now.


Greth said...

Look at religion.

They're all right. All of them.

They just interpreted it wrong.

Go with that.

Yensil blogs again! said...

I'm thinking reincarnation sounds good