Sunday, October 24, 2004


I cleaned my room...completely.
I'll just let that sink in for a few moments.
Okay, now I shall detail my labor, one that was on par with one of the twelve labors of Hercules.
Setp 1: Picking up all the trash on the floor. This consisted of papers, food wrappers, pop cans, and pop bottles. I separated out all the plastic bottles and took them downstairs to the recycling bin too. Ya can't be too good to mother nature.
I of course didn't have any clothes on the floor! (I had already picked them all up so I could do a load of laundry.)
Step 2: After I had thrown out all the trash I had to sort the things that were left and find places for them.
Step 3: Moving furniture. I rearranged my bed and desk (my now clear and useable desk I might add) into postitions that would be better suited to my needs
And now, all that is left for my to do is...
Step 4: Vacuuming. I think they have one downstairs I can borrow.
*scurries off*
(Did I mention I managed to cook ramen in my coffee pot? It's not perfect, but it's better than eatin it dry! ^-^ )


1 comment:

Yensil blogs again! said...

I'm a five am can't sleep, internet's down cleaner.