Sunday, October 3, 2004


While reading through this play for school, there were a couple of observations I'd like to share. That and I don't have anything else to talk about...

Lines 835-38 Chorus, to Antigone
We are mortal, and our fathers pass away.
But you---when you die, you will be great,
You will be equal in memory to the gods,
By the glory of your life and death.

They say this to her to taunt her, but there's actually a lot of irony in thier statements. We don't know thier names, they are merely 'the chorus.' Antigone on the other hand, is the title character. Hmmm...

This is on love, I just like the sound of it and thought I'd share
Lines 787-90
O Love, no one can hide from you:
You take gods who live forever,
You take humans who die in a day,
And they take you and go mad.

Well, that's all I have to say right now,

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