Saturday, August 14, 2004

Blank Title

This will be a fairly long post and i plan to break it into sections. Each section has a title, but I couldn't think of a title for the overall, so I blatantly stole one. And I'm not gonna pay damn cent for either, Greth.
Something About Airplanes
My theory is that as often as my family uses commercial airlines, it's bound to happen every once in while that not only are there no delays, and all our luggage arrives on time and undamaged, but *gasp* we were even a little bit early!!!!!!
This kind of good luck is unusual, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
And all this despite the hurricane.
I go shopping???
The following is a list of things I bought In Lima, and it will probably be quite boring:
One sweater, blue, faily heavy,
One cotton T-shirt
One light sweater, dark green
One pair of jeans, blue
One pair of alpaca wool gloves
three alpalca wool hats, (the kind you wear in winter, i forget what they're called)
One pair alpaca wool gloves, with fingers cut off
and one hat like the three above, only with a brim (actually that one was a gift)
I also bought two different styles of pan pipes, one ocarina, and a few keychains as souveniers.
Me+Bricks+Rebar+Concrete=Something Good???
Yeah, so I helped to build a library for a school in Peru. Moved some bricks around, but mostly built concrete molds(out of wood), pulled nails(reuse everything you can, boards and nails), and built the rebar supports for the concrete. And of course we poured the concrete.
Not to mention all the kids i hugged, and all the practice I got speaking spanish.
I wish I would just hurry up and Die-arrhea
Note to self: DON'T DRINK THE WATER!!!
That was probably the worst case of diarrhea I've ever had in my life. Not to mention the worst pun... Fortunately I managed to wait till the end of the trip to get sick. Which means we were traveling....
Go Away!!!
It's probably an abuse of power to title my closing statements, but what the hell, it's my blog and I'll do whatever I want with it.
Well that's about all I have to say, except that I'm trying to arrange TFOS, for tomorrow (sunday), around seven o clock till...whenever we get tired and go to sleep.
See you in my next life,

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