Saturday, August 28, 2004

C'mon, Gimme Something To Work With Here!!! or "The Book Of Prophecy"

Well, I finally got that poem done, you can read it below. All I've really done today was sit at my computer, but I wasn't as bored as I could have been. Somehow, I actually manged to keep busy today. All in all it's been a pretty good day, albeit a lazy one. I even did my homework! It kept me entertained for about a half hour, then I had to find something else to do... I drew a picture last night, well not exactly drew, but...Isn't MS Paint wonderful? Unfortunately I do not know how to post pictures (actually I sort of do) and I am to lazy to try to figure it out right now, although I probably will soon. It's been forever since I messed around in Paint but Dr. Shin (Ph.D.) inspired me to once more try my hand...the result will be coming soon to a blog near...actually it'll be right here. For now, go read that poem!

As you read, make note of which words are capitalized:


One for Hatred
Two for Fear
Three for the Loss
Of a loved one dear

Four brings Greed
Five brings Lust
Six, an utter
Lack of trust

Seven is Sorrow
Eight is Pain
Nine is Anger
Ten is Blame

Eleven: Hunger
Twelve: Disease
Thirteen marks:
The Taxman's Fees

A Chinese curse
Should life prove a bore
Live in interesting times
Fourteen is War

Number Fifteen
My final breath
In life's uncertainty
Is certain Death

A tiny thing
I've left for last
Sixteen gifts Hope
To help us past

I was having trouble thiking of bad things to include in the poem, I had the first stanza, and I had the end figured out (taxes, and the four horsemen), but I got a little bit stuck there in the middle...Guess my life's too happy...(insert reference to "Kino's Journey"), Hence the title of the post...
If you've seen it, you'll get it, if not, then you should watch it.

Gaahhh!!! I'm running out of sign out lines! please submit,

1 comment:

Yensil blogs again! said...

Well it's a mixture, the curse is "live in interesting times" which pretty much means "I hope you get caught in a war"
But yes pandora is greek mythology.