Sunday, August 22, 2004

OOPS! or Here's Another One!

Gaahhh!!!i messed up in an earlier poem, the problem has been corrected, but I want to make sure everyone knows what the error was since it changes the meaning a bit.
In the poem: "Dreams" the lines origionally read:

Says the dreamer to the son
So maybe tell it to your son

They should have read:

Says the dreamer to the sun
So maybe tell it to your son

thank you for taking the time to learn about this error, and now to our next line of buisiness which is a new poem, enjoy:


Love is like a suicide
Looking for a place to hide
Doesn't want to risk its being spied

Writer's cramp burns in my arm
Carpal Tunnel's first alarm
I don't rhyme words unto themselves
Works like that belong on shelves

Dust collects as years go by
Then an ancient scholar's careful eye
Discerns a tome of forgotten lore
Whose ancient leafs are but a door
To a love that cries out nevermore

Lovers' happy suicide
In each other's hearts survive
The tragedey is in the pride
That makes them now no more alive

and now to other buisiness, firstly, Justin I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need help, I know you help others a lot and that it can be tiring, please feel free to take any of my energy whenever you need it, I'm not sure where it all comes from, but I seem to have plenty to spare, especially recently.

Secondly, You guys have gotten me interested in "The Touched" is there any way I could get more information?

And lastly,........I forget.
As always, and especially when I share a poem, your comments are welcomed and encouraged, if you post anonymously, please sign your post so that I know who it is.
See Y'all on the flip side,

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