Thursday, August 26, 2004


In response to FreQue Danzer's comment on my previouspost, I am inclined to direct everyone to one of my earlier posts: How'd They Know?
further more, it turns out that my bible teacher is pretty cool after all, yes he is verymuch concerned with attendance and of more worry to me, with tardiness. butI think I'll get by, He is certaintly the most dynamic and engaging lecturer I have. I actually found my self listening closely to what he was saying, as opposed to my usual "absorption" method of learning.....
I must say that I am enjoying college so far. And the bible is interesting even if you don't believe it all....
Oh, and if you haven't all ready, read my latest poem: "Room For Trains" about2 posts back.

I think I'm a Deist,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^^ Great 'make yourself' thing...8D And great poem, as always O.o; I'm glad your bible class is interesting XP I don't think I'd be lucky enough to find an interesting bible class...or at least one where I wasn't a very heated debater @.@;

---May the spoofs guide you---