Saturday, September 11, 2004

In God's Own Image (Genesis 1:26-28)

Hmm... The bible says (see title link for relevant scripture) that we are "created in God's image." One has to wonder what is meant by this. Superior intellect? Emotion? Reason? Logic? Language? but in all of these answers we encounter problems. Animals have varying degrees of intelligence, animals show signs of emotion, they use logic, they can reason, perhaps not as well as we. Some animals have very complex systems of communication, so it's not that either. What then?
The concept that man is the animal who laughs has been put forth. Maybe this is true, but it's not the reason I'm looking for. Another theory is that man is the animal that asks why. This is certainly true, but once again, not what I'm looking for.
After thinking for some time I came to the following conclusion: Man is the animal which creates for no reason. We of all the animals, have art, we make things that we don't need to survive. Oh sure a beaver builds his dam. But he does it because he needs a certain environment. He doesn't worry about building a bigger better dam than all the other beavers. But man? Man creates things solely so that others may look upon them and be impressed. I think this is what sets us apart.
Feel free to agree, or disagree. If you have a reasonable suggestion, leave it in the comments section, I would love to hear everyone's opinions.
Also, I meant for this to be a funny day, but then I read Freaky D's (XP) post on communication, and I started thinking (although it's kind of a random jump) about what was meant by "in God's own image." So I ended up with a serious post after all.

Let me know what you think,

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